La liste des évolutions de nos modules
2025-03 | ||
customline | 21.0.+4.0.0 | add = Fast add product fix = changeproductsellprice return on checkbox fix = subprice reduce error if value greater than 999 (space problems) |
2025-02 | ||
mylist | 21.0.+5.2.2 | add = new ticket tabs fix = titlemenu size limit renforced |
myfield | 21.0.+3.5.0 | inf = V 21 compatibility fix = tabs context is the first element of the tabs (tabtitletext goes away) |
moreholiday | 21.0.+1.2.1 | fix = GETPOST issue (no more color specific type) fix = better filter group management fix = some postgres error with quote and double-quote |
factory | 21.0.+3.6.1 | add = Better getNomUrl Tooltip |
extralist | 21.0.+3.1.1 | fix = separate fields not allowed on selection |
equipement | 21.0.+3.6.1 | fix = can’t suppress added documents fix = error on shipping doc with contacts |
customtabs | 21.0.+3.8.0 | chg = V 21 Compatibility fix = bad ODT format on line |
customline | 21.0.+3.16.0 | chg = V 21 compatibility add = Cloning line on mass update fix = getpost with int goes wrong with , values |
2025-01 | ||
restock | 21.0.+3.7.1 | fix = warning error on php 8 fix = refactoring selected screen |
mylist | 21.0.+5.2.1 | fix = warning error on php |
factory | 21.0.+3.6.0 | add = treeview tabs on product factory with sub component |
extralist | 21.0.+3.1.0 | chg = V21 compatibility fix = Error on selectposition if null add = No sql change if field is not selected |
2024-12 | ||
restock | 21.0.+3.7.0 | chg = 21 Compatibility fix = better title menu fix = correct some little bug |
myschedule | 21.0.+1.9.0 | inf = V21 compatibility fix = some periodyear error and no start values fix = some php 8 error again |
mylist | 21.0.+5.2.0 | chg = V21 compatibility add = #USERID# for default current user add = api call feature fix = gt and lg not well transmit on default value |
mydoliboard | 21.0.+3.13.0 | chg = V21 comptability fix = warning on report fix = errors on year report add = Add col totalisation on report |
myclock | 21.0.+4.2.0 | inf = V20 compatibility |
moreholiday | 21.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V21 compatibility fix = Show holiday varing on current year |
forecast | 21.1.+1.3.0 | chg = V21 Compatibility add = cloning and close add = look and feel |
factory | 21.0.+3.6.0 | chg = 21.0 compatibility fix = translation with accent now filtered fix = inverted list on pdf generation filter add = separate delete product on report add = change bom on OF change components inside |
extralist | 20.0.+3.0.0 | add = Allow display category on a field |
equipement | 21.0.+3.6.0 | chg = V21 compatibility fix = equipement mass change error getpost goes wrong |
activity | 21.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V 21 compatibiliy |
2024-11 | ||
restock | 20.0.+3.6.1 | chg = fix getpost error and bad type radio button |
myschedule | 20.0.+1.8.3 | fix = cloning feature goes wrong on month mode |
mylist | 20.0.+5.1.2 | add = url param on text type fields add = Top10, Top100, Top1000 limit add = dol_eval feature on fields |
mydoliboard | 20.0.+3.12.2 | fix = error on company tabs report |
myclock | 20.0.+4.1.2 | add = Add task selection mode on Tracking Feature |
moreholiday | 20.0.+1.1.3 | fix = Show holiday varing on current year |
extraprice | 21.0.+2.12.0 | chg = V21 Compatibility fix = error on category feature : type changed from 0 to ‘product’… |
extralist | 20.0.+2.1.1 | add = use alias fields on extralistfields add = Table join feature on extralistfields |
equipement | 20.0.+3.5.2 | chg = remove refindexkey, too many bug |
2024-10 | ||
mylist | 20.0.+5.1.1 | fix = error on list limit, not display the real number of rows |
mydoliboard | 20.0.+3.12.1 | fix = fix filter display (only one displayed) |
myclock | 20.0.+4.1.1 | add = add Fast Translate Feature add = EN translation update add = add some fields on llx_element_time |
management | 20.0.+2.20.1 | chg = time management moved to another module |
factory | 20.0.+3.5.1 | chg = time management move in other module add = control on mass stock movement if dest warehouse is selected |
extraprice | 20.0.+2.11.1 | fix = PRODUCT TVA EXPORT trick trigger change (need hook too) fix = ExtraPriceFormula GETPOST need alpha instead text parameters |
equipement | 20.0.+3.5.1 | chg = time management moved to another module fix = event serialisation setting not well displayed |
customline | 20.0.+3.15.2 | fix = supplier bill line description is depreciated (keep old) add = supplier bill import implemented |
activity | 20.0.+1.1.1 | add = upgrade OutstandingBill Boxe |
2024-09 | ||
stockmovr | 20.0.+1.6.1 | fix = entity fields not present |
portofolio | 20.0.+1.20.0 | chg = V 20 Compatibility fix = thirdpartie clone feature set_parent change to setParent |
myschedule | 20.0.+1.8.2 | add = slot Duration interval is now adjustable (5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 mins) |
myfield | 20.0.+3.4.0 | inf = V 20 compatibility add = allow disable fields fix = tabs context is the tabTitleText of the element |
mybroadcast | 20.0.+2.8.0 | chg = V20 compatibility |
moreholiday | 20.0.+1.1.2 | fix = user select on new holiday from slideweek add = new delete button on draft |
factory | 20.0.+3.5.0 | chg = 20.0 compatibility add = select type product to display on pdf add = time tabs associate to service add = report product and service used on OF add = report planned and used time on OF |
equipement | 20.0.+3.5.0 | chg = V20 compatibility add = default date event feature add = allow create equipement on supplier order when it partial recept too add = add description on event from mass change list add = ref equipement and product filter can use pipe to search multiple values add = add time planned and made on equipement event with report |
customtooltip | 20.0.+1.14.1 | fix = thirparty object must not be initialised, create another one instead |
customtabs | 20.0.+3.7.2 | add = introduce customTabs API |
2024-08 | ||
restock | 20.0.+3.6.0 | chg = 19 and 20.0 Compatibility |
process | 20.0.+2.5.0 | inf = 19 and 20 Compatibility |
myschedule | 20.0.+1.8.1 | fix = datei is obsolet, generate some errors |
mylist | 20.0.+5.1.0 | chg = V20 compatibility add = Better Categorie filter feature fix = alphawithlgt on query for negative condition add = Filter are applied on pdf now fix = csv export better management fix = better GROUP BY add on query |
mydoliboard | 20.0.+3.12.0 | chg = V20 comptability |
moreholiday | 20.0.+1.1.1 | fix = fix ambigius filter on statut |
management | 20.0.+2.20.0 | chg = V20 Compatibility add = add time spent on interventional and ticket |
forecast | 20.0.+1.2.1 | add = Now setting width of graphic |
customtabs | 20.0.+3.7.1 | add = display number of line in list |
customline | 20.0.+3.15.1 | add = filtering by category product on proposal, order and bill fix = isModEnabled on 16, change minversion next time |
2024-07 | ||
transporteur | 20.0.+2.9.0 | chg = V20 compatibility |
supplierpricr | 20.0.+2.7.0 | inf = V19 and 20 compatibility |
stockmovr | 20.0.+1.6.0 | chg = V20 compatibility |
rmindr | 20.0.+1.13.0 | chg = 20.0 compatibility fix = add full link on mail |
projectbudget | 20.0.+1.9.0 | inf = V20 compatibility |
myschedule | 20.0.+1.8.0 | inf = V20 compatibility |
mydiscount | 20.0.+1.8.0 | inf = V20 Compatibility |
myclock | 20.0.+4.1.0 | inf = V20 compatibility add = look and feel interface update add = Tracking Feature |
mybooking | 20.0.+3.1.0 | chg = V20 Compatibility |
moreholiday | 20.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V20 compatibility add = highlight current day cols add = user are ordered by name add = leave blocks are hidden on public holidays |
morefield | 20.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V19 and 20 comptatibility |
moreactionlist | 20.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V20 compatibility |
matchr | 20.0.+1.12.0 | chg = V20 compatibility |
localise | 20.0.+1.12.0 | chg = 20.0 Compatibility fix = error on create object |
listgpt | 20.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V20 compatibility |
forecast | 20.0.+1.2.0 | chg = V20 Compatibility |
extraprice | 20.0.+2.11.0 | chg = V20 Compatibility chg = if free product originprice is set to 0 |
extraodt | 20.0.+2.10.0 | chg = 20 compatibility |
extralist | 20.0.+2.1.0 | chg = V20 compatibility |
dolitweak | 20.0.+1.4.0 | inf = V20 compatibility |
customtooltip | 20.0.+1.14.0 | chg = V20 compatibility |
customtabs | 20.0.+3.7.0 | chg = V 20 Compatibility fix = DDL compatibility on V20 |
customproduct | 20.0.+3.1.0 | inf = V20 Compatibility fix = error on calculate amount |
customlink | 20.0.+2.4.0 | chg = V 20 compatibility |
coefpricr | 20.0.+1.14.0 | chg = 20.0 compatibility |
bomgenerator | 20.0.+1.4.0 | inf = V20 compatibility |
activity | 20.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V 20 compatibiliy add = add some link on customer list |
2024-06 | ||
customproduct | 19.0.+3.0.1 | add = Line Option prefix are now configurable add = allow html for text description |
customline | 20.0.+3.15.0 | chg = V 20 compatibility add = new Bom fix = supplier order mass update pu_ht bad value add = new list selection mode (predefined free) |
2024-05 | ||
myfield | 19.0.+3.3.2 | fix = apply action on first table cols if no context add = improves list field selection fix = hide menu broken fix = usergroup sql error fix |
mybooking | 19.0.+3.0.1 | add = batch/lot compatibility add = Equipement compatibility |
moreholiday | 19.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
equipement | 19.0.+3.4.3 | fix = mass update on warehouse and version fail fix = display associated equipement on shipping |
customtabs | 19.0.+3.6.4 | add = Arrange linked documents on 2 cols add = display customtabs nb fields on list add = new orderby fields for ordering customTabs list |
customlink | 19.0.+2.3.1 | fix = supplier paiement form error fixed add = add badge tabs on payements bill |
2024-04 | ||
stockmovr | 19.0.+1.5.0 | chg = V18 and 19 compatibility |
portofolio | 19.0.+1.19.0 | chg = V 18 and 19.0 Compatibility |
mylist | 19.0.+5.0.0 | add = NEW : Add full sql Query and generate a complete myList add = new tabs supplier proposal, order and invoice fix = order elementtabs renamed with right name |
myfield | 19.0.+3.3.1 | fix = manage fields with span balise add = display info on list if user have specific right |
mybooking | 19.0.+3.0.0 | chg = V19 Compatibility add = allows you to define the quantity to book/unbook |
localise | 19.0.+1.11.0 | chg = 19.0 Compatibility |
factory | 19.0.+3.4.1 | add = new : step OF on report add = new filter on index page |
extraprice | 19.0.+2.10.0 | chg = V19 Compatibility |
equipement | 19.0.+3.4.2 | add = Add users right on event and consumption |
customtabs | 19.0.+3.6.3 | add = use fk_element with computedfields to get id of element |
activity | 19.0.+1.0.1 | fix = no line if no bank account selected add = new box : cumuled graph account add = new box : New members by Quarter |
2024-03 | ||
myschedule | 19.0.+1.7.1 | chg = categorie fichinter feature for V20 |
mylist | 19.0.+4.6.1 | add = List can be filter whith socid and #SOCID# default value |
myclock | 19.0.+4.0.0 | add = Pomodoro Feature |
extralist | 19.0.+2.0.0 | add = highlight lines according to criteria chg = hide zero value on index page chg = look and feel index page |
equipement | 19.0.+3.4.1 | add = Add Category Feature on Equipement fix = finish consumption end of life fix = correct some other bug as usual |
customtabs | 19.0.+3.6.2 | fix = fix link fields problem on V19 |
customproduct | 19.0.+3.0.0 | add = CustomProduct work on native POS |
customline | 19.0.+3.14.1 | fix = price access habilitation, disable HT and TTC too |
activity | 19.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release |
2024-02 | ||
rmindr | 19.0.+1.12.1 | fix = emailing way |
mydoliboard | 19.0.+3.11.0 | chg = V19 comptability add = Add tabs report on thirdparty and products |
mybroadcast | 19.0.+2.7.0 | chg = V18 and 19 compatibility |
moreactionlist | 19.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
forecast | 19.0.+1.1.0 | chg = V19 Compatibility chg = Better card ergonomy add = new correlate line |
factory | 19.0.+3.4.0 | chg = 19.0 compatibility add = stockmvr |
customtooltip | 19.0.+1.13.0 | chg = V19 compatibility |
customline | 19.0.+3.14.0 | chg = V 19 compatibility |
bomgenerator | 19.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V19 compatibility |
2024-01 | ||
equipement | 19.0.+3.4.0 | chg = V19 compatibility add = new tabs event on product fix = correct bugfix on event add = add some hook on list |
customtabs | 19.0.+3.6.1 | fix = mandatory fields not tested on subMenuList add = computed fields work on list add = totalized fields work on list fix = fix bad info on menu_card |
coefpricr | 19.0.+1.13.0 | chg = 19.0 compatibility |
2023-12 | ||
rmindr | 19.0.+1.12.0 | chg = 19.0 compatibility |
projectbudget | 19.0.+1.8.0 | inf = V18-19 compatibility |
mylist | 19.0.+4.6.0 | chg = V19 compatibility fix = filter on pdf print work fix = better pdf line height management add = new tabs proposal, order and invoice |
myfield | 19.0.+3.3.0 | inf = 19 compatibility chg = enhance minimise button feature |
myclock | 19.0.+3.12.1 | fix = conflict with debugbar |
management | 19.0.+2.19.0 | chg = V19 Compatibility fix = warning error and start stop bug fix = bad duration on create bill need divide by 3600 add = display bill info if exist on grouped interventionnal |
listgpt | 19.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V19 compatibility add = Add error message if query fail |
extraodt | 19.0.+2.9.0 | chg = 17, 18 and 19 compatibility add = external adress on bill, proposal and orders |
dolitweak | 19.0.+1.3.1 | add = show left menu selected |
customtabs | 19.0.+3.6.0 | chg = 19.0 Compatibility add = generate pdf annex from list |
customproduct | 19.0.+2.3.0 | inf = V19 Compatibility fix = clonning feature error on action fix = duplicate line on multiselect |
customlink | 19.0.+2.3.0 | chg = V 19 compatibility add = add some badge tabs |
2023-11 | ||
transporteur | 19.0.+2.8.0 | chg = V18 and 19 compatibility add = if max weight=-1 we mulyiply by une the price |
restock | 18.0.+3.5.1 | add = add proposal and invoice tab fix = better restock list add = new option for select only supplier with purchase price |
myschedule | 19.0.+1.7.0 | inf = V19 compatibility add = add categorie fichinter feature fix = bad title on new fichinter |
myfield | 18.0.+3.2.1 | add = add fontawesome icon on field fix = column fields not hidden properly |
mydiscount | 19.0.+1.7.0 | inf = V18, V19 Compatibility |
myclock | 19.0.+3.12.0 | inf = V19 compatibility chg = group breadCrump element by hour |
management | 18.0.+2.18.1 | chg = fix project_task_time to element_time |
extralist | 19.0.+1.2.0 | chg = V19 compatibility |
equipement | 18.0.+3.3.1 | fix = some little bugfix as usual |
dolitweak | 19.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V19 compatibility |
2023-10 | ||
forecast | 18.0.+1.0.0 | add = First Version |
2023-09 | ||
rmindr | 18.0.+1.11.0 | chg = 18.0 compatibility |
myschedule | 18.0.+1.6.1 | fix = project selection not displayed |
mydoliboard | 18.0.+3.10.0 | chg = V17 and V18 comptability fix = Correct category filter on report |
myclock | 18.0.+3.11.1 | add = Display Small Second fix = Better Big Date Display |
management | 18.0.+2.18.0 | chg = V18 Compatibility |
localise | 18.0.+1.10.0 | chg = 18.0 Compatibility |
listgpt | 18.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V18 compatibility |
factory | 18.0.+3.3.0 | chg = 18.0 compatibility fix = changeprice menu not displayed |
customtooltip | 18.0.+1.12.0 | chg = V18 compatibility |
customtabs | 18.0.+3.5.1 | fix = sub menu tabs collector not actived |
customproduct | 18.0.+2.2.0 | inf = V18 Compatibility |
customlink | 18.0.+2.2.0 | chg = V 18 compatibility |
2023-08 | ||
myclock | 18.0.+3.11.0 | add = Display Big Date inf = V18 compatibility |
mybooking | 18.0.+2.4.0 | chg = V18 Compatibility |
extraprice | 18.0.+2.9.0 | chg = V18 Compatibility fix = percent not keep on update |
dolitweak | 18.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V18 compatibility |
customtabs | 18.0.+3.5.0 | chg = 18.0 Compatibility fix = pb with linked field fix = fill template on xml import fix = template card with customtab instead customtabs … add = allow to filter on linked field |
bomgenerator | 18.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V18 compatibility |
2023-07 | ||
process | 18.0.+2.4.0 | inf = 17 and 18 Compatibility |
mylist | 18.0.+4.5.0 | chg = V18 compatibility |
morefield | 18.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
customline | 18.0.+3.13.0 | chg = V 18 compatibility |
coefpricr | 18.0.+1.12.0 | chg = 18.0 compatibility |
2023-06 | ||
supplierpricr | 18.0.+2.6.0 | inf = V18 compatibility |
restock | 18.0.+3.5.0 | chg = 18.0 Compatibility |
myschedule | 18.0.+1.6.0 | inf = V18 compatibility chg = update fullcalendar V6 add = year wiev fix = some display date bugfix |
mylist | 17.0.+4.4.2 | fix = token left on delete fields |
myfield | 18.0.+3.2.0 | inf = 18.0 compatibility |
extralist | 18.0.+1.1.0 | chg = V18 compatibility |
equipement | 18.0.+3.3.0 | chg = V18 compatibility add = introduce consumption end of life fix = some little bugfix as usual |
2023-05 | ||
mylist | 17.0.+4.4.1 | add = multicompany compatibility fix = some fix Error with php 8 |
listgpt | 17.0.+1.0.1 | chg = new gpt model |
extraprice | 17.0.+2.8.1 | fix = bad return value |
extralist | 17.0.+1.0.2 | fix = delete function disapeared |
2023-04 | ||
rmindr | 17.0.+1.10.0 | chg = 17.0 compatibility |
restock | 17.0.+3.4.0 | chg = 17.0 Compatibility fix = allow order on service on other tabs |
myfield | 17.0.+3.1.1 | fix = extrafields move not working |
mybroadcast | 17.0.+2.6.0 | chg = V17 compatibility |
mybooking | 17.0.+2.3.0 | chg = V17 Compatibility |
management | 17.0.+2.17.0 | chg = V17 Compatibility |
factory | 17.0.+3.2.2 | fix = bom generator error and filter not enabled |
customtabs | 17.0.+3.4.3 | fix = some little fix |
coefpricr | 17.0.+1.11.0 | chg = 17.0 compatibility |
2023-03 | ||
transporteur | 17.0.+2.7.0 | chg = V17 compatibility |
supplierpricr | 17.0.+2.5.0 | inf = V17 compatibility |
stockmovr | 17.0.+1.4.0 | chg = V17 compatibility |
portofolio | 17.0.+1.17.0 | chg = V17.0 Compatibility |
myschedule | 17.0.+1.5.1 | fix = add contact error (type of contact id changed) |
myfield | 17.0.+3.1.0 | inf = 17.0 compatibility add = tab feature work on mobile mode |
mydiscount | 17.0.+1.6.0 | inf = V16, V17 and PHP V8 Compatibility |
myclock | 17.0.+3.10.0 | inf = V17 compatibility |
factory | 17.0.+3.2.1 | fix = bad direct qty build on php8 |
equipement | 17.0.+3.2.1 | fix = Better link management of equipement with elements fix = delete files on document work |
customtabs | 17.0.+3.4.2 | fix = permission to add on import file |
customproduct | 17.0.+2.1.1 | add = add optional price on line description (new option) |
customlink | 17.0.+2.1.0 | chg = V 17 compatibility |
customline | 17.0.+3.12.1 | add = upper add line on supplier too |
bomgenerator | 17.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V17 compatibility |
badgelio | 17.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V17 compatibility fix = correct some bug |
2023-02 | ||
projectbudget | 17.0.+1.8.0 | inf = V17 compatibility (and some crsf error) |
myschedule | 17.0.+1.5.0 | inf = V17 compatibility |
matchr | 19.0.+1.11.0 | chg = V18 and 19 compatibility |
equipement | 17.0.+3.2.0 | chg = V17 compatibility |
customtabs | 17.0.+3.4.1 | fix = extrafields management |
customline | 17.0.+3.12.0 | chg = V 17 compatibility fix = ref unit error on import |
badgelio | 16.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V16 compatibility |
2023-01 | ||
localise | 17.0.+1.9.0 | chg = 17.0 Compatibility |
factory | 17.0.+3.2.0 | chg = 17.0 compatibility add = extralist compatibility fix = fontawesone only since V15 |
equipement | 16.0.+3.1.6 | add = Equipement shipping can now be automated fix = document import need permissiontoadd now |
customtooltip | 17.0.+1.11.0 | chg = V17 compatibility |
customtabs | 17.0.+3.4.0 | chg = 17.0 Compatibility fix = fix better sep management fix = attribute_type not yet supported |
customproduct | 17.0.+2.1.0 | inf = V17 Compatibility fix = font awesome compatibility for older error |
2022-12 | ||
mylist | 17.0.+4.4.0 | chg = V17 compatibility |
matchr | 17.0.+1.10.0 | chg = 17.0 compatibility chg = new extrafields compatibility |
listgpt | 17.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First release |
factory | 16.0.+3.1.4 | add = bomgenerator compatibility |
extraprice | 17.0.+2.8.0 | chg = V16, V17 and PHP V8 Compatibility |
extralist | 17.0.+1.0.1 | add = add translation |
extralist | 17.0.+1.0.0 | chg = first Release |
equipement | 16.0.+3.1.5 | add = Equipement shipping can now be automated |
2022-11 | ||
supplierpricr | 16.0.+2.4.2 | fix = force quantity only a 1, divide the total price now |
rmindr | 16.0.+1.9.1 | fix = rdminr on actioncomm fail |
mylist | 16.0.+4.3.2 | fix = move colum order ajax error add = new tabs warehouse |
mylist | 16.0.+4.3.1 | fix = postgresql compatibility |
myfield | 16.0.+3.0.0 | add = add varing values feature |
mydoliboard | 16.0.+3.9.0 | chg = V16 comptability |
factory | 16.0.+3.1.3 | fix = update line not working fix = extrafield on list and card fix = list of BOM associate switch from parent to child |
equipement | 16.0.+3.1.4 | chg = Celebrate 10 Years Edition with PI 3.14 add = add equipement from supplier order to supplier bill (automated) add = add equipement from shipping to customer bill (automated) |
customproduct | 16.0.+2.0.2 | fix = multicheckbox error, sum multiple value |
customlink | 16.0.+2.0.1 | fix = fix js error on multiple bills validation |
bomgenerator | 16.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
2022-10 | ||
supplierpricr | 16.0.+2.4.1 | add = force quantity only a 1 |
equipement | 16.0.+3.1.3 | fix = virtual product on shipping not refresh (class product error) |
customtabs | 16.0.+3.3.3 | add = customTabs Fields display on element list |
customline | 16.0.+3.11.1 | add = use extrafield margin value if set add = keep sell and cost price on product if asked |
2022-09 | ||
supplierpricr | 16.0.+2.4.0 | inf = V16 and php V8 compatibility |
moredesc | 16.0.+1.4.0 | inf = V16 and PHP V8 compatibility |
factory | 16.0.+3.1.2 | chg = Add treeview on OF |
dolitweak | 18.0.+1.2.1 | add = move action button up |
customtabs | 16.0.+3.3.2 | fix = parent fail on first page |
customproduct | 16.0.+2.0.1 | inf = Include qty convert feature |
customline | 16.0.+3.11.0 | chg = V 16 and PHP V8 compatibility fix = better supplier vat management |
2022-08 | ||
transporteur | 16.0.+2.6.0 | chg = V16 PHPV8 compatibility add = Move transporteur table on Calculated weight fields |
rmindr | 16.0.+1.9.0 | chg = 16.0 and PHP V8 compatibility |
restock | 16.0.+3.3.1 | fix = setting percent not saved since V8 upgrade |
process | 16.0.+2.3.0 | inf = 11 to 16 Compatibility and php V8 |
portofolio | 16.0.+1.16.0 | chg = V16.0 Compatibility |
myfield | 16.0.+2.14.2 | chg = show hide is on dolibarr number version click |
mybooking | 16.0.+2.2.0 | chg = V16 and php V8 Compatibility |
matchr | 16.0.+1.9.0 | chg = 16.0 and PHP V8 compatibility |
management | 16.0.+2.16.0 | chg = V16 and php V8 Compatibility |
localise | 16.0.+1.8.0 | chg = 16.0 and PHP V8 Compatibility |
equipement | 16.0.+3.1.2 | chg = virtual product on shipping |
dolitweak | 17.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V17 and php 8 compatibility add = iconicTabs on hover |
customtooltip | 16.0.+1.10.1 | fix = extrafields not filled |
customtooltip | 16.0.+1.10.0 | chg = V16 and PHP V8 compatibility |
customtabs | 16.0.+3.3.1 | fix = some fix on submenu |
2022-07 | ||
mylist | 16.0.+4.3.0 | chg = V16 and PHPV8 compatibility add = new type email fix = import xml fields fail if some tag not present |
myfield | 16.0.+2.14.1 | fix = some boring php V8 compatibility errors fixed fix = manage encoding of fields |
factory | 16.0.+3.1.1 | chg = Import composition from original product (variant) |
equipement | 16.0.+3.1.1 | chg = fix consuming bug |
dolitweak | 16.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
customtabs | 16.0.+3.3.0 | chg = 16.0 and php V8 Compatibility add = querydisplay fields for conditionnal display tabs |
customproduct | 16.0.+2.0.0 | inf = Add list by price and ref |
customlink | 16.0.+2.0.0 | chg = Major version chg = V 16 and php V8 compatibility add = supplier bill ventilation with task and project |
coefpricr | 16.0.+1.10.0 | chg = 16.0 and php V8 compatibility |
2022-06 | ||
transporteur | 15.0.+2.5.0 | chg = V 14-15 compatibility |
stockmovr | 16.0.+1.3.0 | chg = V16 and php V8 compatibility |
restock | 16.0.+3.3.0 | chg = 16.0 and php V8 Compatibility |
projectbudget | 16.0.+1.7.0 | inf = V14-15-16 and php V8 compatibility |
portofolio | 15.0.+1.15.1 | fix = PHP V8 fix fix = some filtering bug corrected |
myschedule | 16.0.+1.4.0 | inf = V16 and php V8 compatibility fix = some postgres compatibility errors |
myfield | 16.0.+2.14.0 | inf = 16.0 compatibility and php V8 |
myclock | 16.0.+3.9.0 | inf = V16 and PHPV8 compatibility |
mybroadcast | 16.0.+2.5.0 | chg = V14-15-16 and php V8 compatibility |
factory | 16.0.+3.1.0 | chg = 16.0 compatibility and php V8 |
extraodt | 16.0.+2.8.0 | chg = 16.0 and php V8 compatibility |
customproduct | 16.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V16 Compatibility and PHP V8 |
2022-05 | ||
equipement | 16.0.+3.1.0 | chg = V16 and php V8 compatibility fix = optimisation event list |
equipement | 15.0.+3.0.1 | add = barcode generation fix = migration error on shipping, replace expedition by shipping on elementlink |
coefpricr | 15.0.+1.9.1 | fix = if no product price on supplier mode, bad fields user (rowid instead fk_product) |
2022-04 | ||
restock | 15.0.+3.2.2 | fix = project select goes wrong fix = bad compute quantity on filtered value add = add filtered on element and qty add = add fk_product field for better tracking |
mydoliboard | 15.0.+3.8.0 | chg = V15 comptability add = Report warehouse |
management | 15.0.+2.15.2 | fix = $load extrasfield on management task class need for V15 fix = bad report project totalisation |
factory | 15.0.+3.0.2 | fix = test mode left on OF print add = filtering on categ product and supplier |
customproduct | 15.0.+1.2.1 | add = more information on description usage |
2022-03 | ||
restock | 15.0.+3.2.1 | fix = include partial supplier order add = add factory controling colunm on list |
portofolio | 15.0.+1.15.0 | chg = 14.0 and 15.0 Compatibility |
mylist | 15.0.+4.2.2 | fix = champs form not well close |
myclock | 15.0.+3.8.1 | add = support Ukrain Flag |
equipement | 15.0.+3.0.0 | chg = MAJOR VERSION chg = V14 compatibility chg = V15 compatibility add = Events and Consumption managed like task chg = Look and feel add = Equipement Extrafields are present in the lists fix = fix some CSRF error add = Equipement State have color setting add = presentation.xml for better presentation management add = Ticket on event association link add = More Import/export feature add = badge count on tabs add = mouvp change for V15 fix = token for V15 |
customtabs | 15.0.+3.2.1 | fix = table_element on input output are now required fix = enable all menu on list work now |
customline | 15.0.+3.10.1 | fix = jquery select chg = refactoring for better optimisation |
2022-02 | ||
supplierpricr | 15.0.+2.3.0 | inf = V15 compatibility |
rmindr | 15.0.+1.8.0 | chg = 14.0 and 15.0 compatibility |
restock | 15.0.+3.2.0 | chg = 15.0 Compatibility fix = order on ‘en cours’ |
periodic | 15.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V13, 14 and 15 Compatibility |
myschedule | 15.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V15 compatibility fix = some bad redirection after validation |
mylist | 15.0.+4.2.1 | fix = enable all menu on list work now |
myfield | 15.0.+2.10.1 | fix = uppper move field work better |
mydiscount | 15.0.+1.5.0 | inf = V14 and V15 Compatibility |
myclock | 15.0.+3.8.0 | inf = V15 compatibility fix = no error if objectId not set on log |
moredesc | 15.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V14 and V15 compatibility |
matchr | 15.0.+1.8.0 | chg = 15.0 compatibility |
management | 15.0.+2.15.1 | fix = bad admin_project redirection |
localise | 15.0.+1.7.0 | chg = 14-15.0 Compatibility |
factory | 15.0.+3.0.1 | fix = product_factory_extrafields.sql error fix = bad tabulation name fix = no create line off OF on order and proposal |
extraprice | 15.0.+2.7.0 | chg = V14 and V15 Compatibility |
extraodt | 15.0.+2.7.0 | chg = 14.0 and 15.0 compatibility |
customtooltip | 15.0.+1.9.0 | chg = V14 and V15 compatibility |
customtabs | 15.0.+3.2.0 | chg = 15.0 Compatibility add = BadgeTabs on list and card menu and submenu |
customproduct | 15.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V15 Compatibility |
customline | 15.0.+3.10.0 | chg = V 15.0 compatibility |
coefpricr | 15.0.+1.9.0 | chg = 14.0 and 15.0 compatibility |
2022-01 | ||
stockmovr | 15.0.+1.2.1 | fix = error on pdf generation |
restock | 14.0.+3.1.2 | fix = Error on construct db |
mylist | 15.0.+4.2.0 | chg = V15 compatibility add = use of HAVING on aggregate filter |
management | 15.0.+2.15.0 | chg = V15 Compatibility add = billing task qty better managed |
factory | 15.0.+3.0.0 | fix = bad product on factory order tabs add = Manufacturing subcontracting (new Tabs) add = detail qty on warehouse (global and selected) |
2021-12 | ||
stockmovr | 15.0.+1.2.0 | chg = V14-V15 compatibility add = mouvp change for V15 |
myfield | 15.0.+2.10.0 | inf = 15.0 compatibility add = select2 add trigger change for default value |
mybooking | 15.0.+2.1.0 | chg = V14 Compatibility chg = V15 compatibility add = add tabs on product and thirdparty to follow booking add = mouvp change for V15 |
factory | 15.0.+2.6.0 | chg = 15.0 compatibility add = mouvp origin deprecied for V15 |
2021-11 | ||
restock | 14.0.+3.1.1 | fix = Error on nbProd in main restock |
customproduct | 14.0.+1.1.1 | add = check to display custom present on description |
2021-10 | ||
myschedule | 14.0.+1.2.1 | fix = some CSRF error |
mylist | 14.0.+4.1.1 | fix = display nb of fields in mylist |
mydoliboard | 14.0.+3.7.0 | chg = V14 comptability add = pivot page on product movement |
factory | 14.0.+2.5.1 | add = add BOM on export fix = create with BOM fail fix = some CSRF error |
customproduct | 14.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V14 Compatibility fix = Sql comment on last line make error on install |
2021-08 | ||
management | 14.0.+2.14.0 | chg = V14 Compatibility add = periodic task feature |
2021-07 | ||
supplierpricr | 14.0.+2.2.0 | inf = V14 compatibility add = create supplier price from supplier order and invoice |
restock | 14.0.+3.1.0 | chg = 14.0 Compatibility chg = Error on document |
myschedule | 14.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V14 compatibility |
myfield | 14.0.+2.9.0 | inf = 14.0 compatibility add = New myfield button feature |
myclock | 14.0.+3.7.0 | inf = V14 compatibility inf = PHP 8 welcome |
matchr | 14.0.+1.7.0 | chg = 14.0 compatibility |
factory | 14.0.+2.5.0 | chg = 14.0 compatibility fix = Bad cancel statut value (3 instead 9) |
customtabs | 14.0.+3.1.0 | chg = 14.0 Compatibility add = Agefood compatibility |
customlink | 14.0.+1.15.0 | chg = V 14 compatibility chg = equipement V3 compatibility |
2021-06 | ||
myschedule | 13.0.+1.1.3 | add = add day filter and ref on dynamic list add = day link display day view |
mylist | 14.0.+4.1.0 | chg = V14 compatibility add = new value feature on export too add = percent value feature add = better page next/prev management |
mydiscount | 13.0.+1.4.0 | inf = V13 Compatibility |
management | 13.0.+2.13.3 | add = soleil management have report detail add = badge indicator on report tab name |
customtabs | 13.0.+3.0.1 | chg = 13.0 Compatibility chg = New extrafield structure Use cmg = display defined label on tabs |
customline | 14.0.+3.9.0 | chg = V 14.0 compatibility add = edit fields can be disable by habilitation add = mass editition tabs can be disable by habilitation |
2021-05 | ||
supplierpricr | 13.0.+2.1.0 | inf = V13 compatibility |
rmindr | 13.0.+1.7.0 | inf = 13.0 compatibility fix = suppress rmindr feature on dispatch |
projectbudget | 13.0.+1.6.0 | inf = V13 compatibility |
portofolio | 13.0.+1.12.0 | chg = 13.0 Compatibility chg = better look and feel |
myschedule | 13.0.+1.1.2 | add = user and thirdparty list are dynamic now |
mylist | 13.0.+4.0.0 | fix = colOrder now changeable on edit chg = look and fields update add = numrow and cumuled value feature add = print barcode feature |
mybroadcast | 13.0.+2.4.0 | chg = V13 compatibility add = keep file on element folder (include shipping) |
management | 13.0.+2.13.2 | fix = extrafields on interventional report |
factory | 13.0.+2.4.1 | fix = if factory qtyplanned change, qtyplanned of component change too add = display badge on factory tabs |
coefpricr | 13.0.+1.8.0 | chg = 13.0 compatibility add = Filter product by category of supplier |
2021-04 | ||
restock | 13.0.+3.0.0 | chg = 13.0 Compatibility chg = Major Release add = add factory and supplier proposal feature fix = better recursivity work |
myfield | 13.0.+2.8.0 | inf = 13.0 compatibility fix = Color Button choice |
moredesc | 13.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V13 compatibility add = Display nb moredesc on Tabs badge |
management | 13.0.+2.13.1 | add = convert interventional freeline on default service |
factory | 13.0.+2.4.0 | chg = 13.0 compatibility chg = Some Restock compatibility add = Extrafields on factory detail line fix = fournish price divided by min quantity buy |
customtooltip | 13.0.+1.8.0 | chg = V13 compatibility chg = thirdparty dao add = display categorie on tooltip |
customproduct | 13.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
customlink | 13.0.+1.14.0 | chg = V13 compatibility chg = look and feel update |
2021-03 | ||
myschedule | 13.0.+1.1.1 | fix = replace .get() by .ajax() synchonous |
mylist | 13.0.+3.7.0 | chg = V13 compatibility fix = menu titre depriciated fields chg = look and fields update |
mydoliboard | 13.0.+3.6.1 | fix = menu titre depriciated fields (empty label menu) |
mybooking | 13.0.+2.0.0 | chg = Major Version add = Management of product availability step by step |
extraprice | 13.0.+2.6.1 | fix = upercase sensitive on class file |
extraodt | 13.0.+2.6.0 | chg = 13.0 compatibility |
2021-02 | ||
transporteur | 13.0.+2.4.0 | chg = V 13 compatibility fix = cosmetics fixes and change |
stockmovr | 13.0.+1.1.1 | fix = Better CRLF separator management |
myschedule | 13.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V13 compatibility add = user right for user access fix = user right on button screen |
mydoliboard | 13.0.+3.6.0 | chg = V13 comptability fix = Enabling right access to main screen |
mybooking | 13.0.+1.6.0 | chg = V13 Compatibility |
matchr | 13.0.+1.6.0 | chg = 13.0 compatibility |
management | 13.0.+2.13.0 | chg = V13 Compatibility fix = some contract fields suppressed fix = project user management rules harmonisation |
localise | 13.0.+1.6.0 | chg = 13.0 Compatibility |
2021-01 | ||
extraprice | 13.0.+2.6.0 | chg = V13 Compatibility add = link to wiki help |
customline | 13.0.+3.8.0 | chg = V 13.0 compatibility fix = csv enclosure not well import (GETPOST none) fix = UTF8 char on import file may fail first import fields |
2020-12 | ||
stockmovr | 13.0.+1.1.0 | chg = V13 compatibility fix = admin path upercase problem add = more separator import value |
myfield | 12.0.+2.7.3 | fix = admin super visibility right on list |
myclock | 13.0.+3.6.0 | inf = V13 compatibility fix = better vertical display calc |
factory | 12.0.+2.3.0 | chg = 12.0 compatibility chg = Look and feel |
2020-11 | ||
restock | 12.0.+2.8.0 | chg = 12.0 Compatibility add = Qty needed on product |
myschedule | 12.0.+1.0.1 | inf = Add contact list feature |
customlink | 12.0.+1.13.2 | add = Element Supplier_proposal, bom and mrp Added |
2020-10 | ||
myschedule | 12.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
mylist | 12.0.+3.6.1 | fix = mylist creation table fail on certains db |
factory | 11.0.+2.2.3 | add = Add weight info on compositon tabs add = Add badge on number of Of by product |
equipement | 12.0.+2.8.0 | chg = V12 compatibility |
customlink | 12.0.+1.13.1 | chg = Element on contact better look |
customline | 12.0.+3.7.3 | add = masschange price are now with jquery fix = little corrections |
2020-09 | ||
myschedule | 12.0.+0.5.0 | add = Main screen ended add = thirdparty and user tabs made |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.2.1 | add = mass Select on action screen |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.2.0 | add = user value on update fichinter ok |
matchr | 12.0.+1.5.1 | fix = contact user not OK |
equipement | 11.0.+2.7.2 | chg = supplier_order add fields add = multicompany support |
2020-08 | ||
myschedule | 12.0.+0.1.3 | add = fullcalendar hour limit are customisable |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.1.2 | add = mass statut change chg = refactoring time |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.1.1 | add = filter by color ok and color selection on setting |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.1.0 | fix = better drag and drop resising add = mass delete button ok add = mass user, shift and clone on progress |
customline | 12.0.+3.7.2 | add = up addLine on edit mode fix = some error on import supplier order |
2020-07 | ||
transporteur | 12.0.+2.3.0 | chg = V 12 compatibility fix = cosmetics fixes and change |
supplierpricr | 12.0.+2.0.0 | inf = V11 and 12 compatibility |
projectbudget | 12.0.+1.5.0 | inf = V11 and V12 compatibility |
periodic | 12.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V9, 10, 11 and 12 Compatibility fix = some bug on supplier order |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.0.4 | add = create fichinter ok, need test add = new navigation button add = update fichinter on road |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.0.2 | add = mass action button chg = click and select day/hour add = popin on add with default value chg = Look and feel |
myschedule | 12.0.+0.0.1 | inf = full calendar on V5.1.0 add = filter on dolibarr status chg = reorganisation of menu |
myprint | 12.0.+2.2.0 | chg = V 11.0 and 12 compatibility add = Add ticket pdf |
myfield | 12.0.+2.7.2 | chg = remove maxwidth100 class on input fields if size changed |
mydoliboard | 12.0.+3.5.0 | chg = 11.0 and 12.0 comptability |
mydiscount | 12.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V12 Compatibility |
mybroadcast | 12.0.+2.3.0 | chg = V11 and V12 compatibility |
moredesc | 12.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V12 compatibility add = Change label too |
matchr | 12.0.+1.5.0 | chg = 11.0 and 12.0 compatibility |
management | 12.0.+2.12.0 | chg = V12 Compatibility fix = some contract fields suppressed |
localise | 12.0.+1.5.0 | chg = 11.0 and 12.0 Compatibility |
factory | 11.0.+2.2.2 | fix = display only one father product fix = Mass change product of composition |
extraprice | 12.0.+2.5.0 | chg = V12 Compatibility |
extraodt | 12.0.+2.5.0 | chg = 12.0 compatibility |
equipement | 11.0.+2.7.1 | fix = Allow Edit Serial on V5 tabs |
customtooltip | 12.0.+1.7.1 | add = tooltip icon open on new tab the link |
customlink | 12.0.+1.13.0 | chg = V12 compatibility |
customline | 12.0.+3.7.1 | add = add element with barecode or ref fix = calculation error with vat value |
coefpricr | 12.0.+1.7.0 | chg = 12.0 compatibility |
2020-06 | ||
stockmovr | 12.0.+1.0.0 | chg = First Release |
rmindr | 12.0.+1.6.0 | inf = 12.0 compatibility |
portofolio | 12.0.+1.11.0 | chg = 12.0 Compatibility chg = more infos on outstantingbill |
myclock | 12.0.+3.5.0 | inf = V12 compatibility fix = no error if breadcump not fill |
mybooking | 12.0.+1.5.0 | chg = V12 Compatibility |
factory | 11.0.+2.2.1 | fix = minor fix before major version on V12 |
equipement | 11.0.+2.7.0 | fix = 11.0 compatibility ( major upgrade on working) chg = better header tabs |
customtooltip | 12.0.+1.7.0 | chg = V12 compatibility |
customtabs | 12.0.+2.5.2 | add = Multicompany compatibility is OK |
2020-05 | ||
mylist | 12.0.+3.6.0 | chg = V12 compatibility fix = xml import fail (getpost additionnal setting need) |
myfield | 12.0.+2.7.1 | inf = 12.0 compatibility fix = xml import fail (getpost additionnal setting need) |
customtabs | 12.0.+2.5.1 | chg = Look and feel for tab add = new feature on progress fix = fix temmplate import error (getpost none) |
customline | 12.0.+3.7.0 | chg = V 12.0 compatibility add = another margin calc mode |
2020-04 | ||
restock | 11.0.+2.7.0 | chg = 11.0 Compatibility fix = error on recursive virtual product add = Restock tab on Bom V11 module |
myfield | 12.0.+2.7.0 | chg = increase fields label size |
customtabs | 12.0.+2.5.0 | chg = 12.0 Compatibility add = ticket tab added chg = bom tab added |
2020-03 | ||
transporteur | 11.0.+2.2.0 | chg = V 11 compatibility fix = native weight management error fixed on V11 |
rmindr | 11.0.+1.5.0 | inf = 11.0 compatibility |
portofolio | 11.0.+1.10.1 | add = add warehouse categories mass change |
myfield | 11.0.+2.6.1 | fix = remove field even |
mydiscount | 11.0.+1.2.0 | inf = V11 Compatibility fix = some HT value are not change on order/proposal |
mybooking | 11.0.+1.4.0 | chg = V11 Compatibility |
management | 11.0.+2.11.0 | chg = V11 Compatibility fix = generate bill error fix = interventional report error on V10 and more fix = contract term error add = use real hours instead decimal hours on time report |
extraprice | 11.0.+2.4.0 | chg = V11 Compatibility |
customtooltip | 11.0.+1.6.0 | chg = 10 and 11 compatibility fix = getOutstandingBills instead get_OutstandingBill in V11 |
customtabs | 11.0.+2.4.0 | chg = 11.0 Compatibility |
customlink | 11.0.+1.12.0 | chg = V11 compatibility fix = tag error, need lang filled |
customline | 11.0.+3.6.1 | add = change sell price with margin |
2020-02 | ||
restock | 10.0.+2.6.2 | fix = bad compute on main screen (stockalert) |
portofolio | 11.0.+1.10.0 | chg = 11.0 Compatibility add = select element without categ affected |
mylist | 11.0.+3.5.0 | chg = V11 compatibility |
myfield | 11.0.+2.6.0 | inf = 11.0 compatibility add = title content change on maimenu |
myclock | 11.0.+3.4.0 | inf = V11 compatibility |
moredesc | 11.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
factory | 11.0.+2.2.0 | chg = 11.0 compatibility chg = BatchLot stock management (forgive me lord) add = BOM feature compatible (even if it’s a bunch of shit) |
2020-01 | ||
customline | 11.0.+3.6.0 | chg = V 11.0 compatibility fix = formargin error |
2019-12 | ||
restock | 10.0.+2.6.1 | add = access right managment hability |
management | 10.0.+2.10.1 | fix = add project filter in on fly project typing |
2019-11 | ||
transporteur | 10.0.+2.1.0 | chg = 9.0 and 10 compatibility |
rmindr | 10.0.+1.4.0 | inf = 10.0 compatibility |
projectbudget | 10.0.+1.4.0 | inf = 10.0.x compatibility |
myprint | 10.0.+2.1.1 | add = Add pdf signature if certificate present |
mydiscount | 10.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V10 Compatibility |
mybroadcast | 10.0.+2.2.0 | chg = V10 compatibility |
matchr | 10.0.+1.4.0 | chg = 10.0 compatibility |
localise | 10.0.+1.4.0 | chg = 8.0, 9.0 and 10.0 Compatibility |
2019-10 | ||
customline | 10.0.+3.5.1 | fix = totall ttc on mass proposal change error fix = supplier order, pb with id and rowid |
2019-09 | ||
mydoliboard | 10.0.+3.4.0 | chg = 10.0 comptability |
mybooking | 10.0.+1.3.0 | fix = V10 Compatibility |
management | 10.0.+2.10.0 | chg = V10 Compatibility |
factory | 10.0.+2.1.1 | chg = stock movement on project display |
2019-08 | ||
process | 10.0.+2.2.0 | inf = 10.0 Compatibility |
myprint | 10.0.+2.1.0 | chg = V 10.0 compatibility add = Add french Chorus OCR on Bill |
mylist | 10.0.+3.4.0 | chg = V10 compatibility add = add MYLIST_SQL_RUNNING_BEFORE for additionnal query before main query |
myclock | 10.0.+3.3.1 | add = Add skip check version of patas monkey modules (setting) add = MyClock can be display on top left menu (setting) add = MyClock can start directly from breadCrump (setting) |
extraodt | 10.0.+2.4.0 | chg = 10.0 compatibility |
equipement | 10.0.+2.6.0 | fix = 10.0 compatibility chg = better header tabs |
customtabs | 10.0.+2.3.0 | chg = 10.0 Compatibility |
2019-07 | ||
restock | 10.0.+2.6.0 | chg = 10.0 Compatibility fix = more recursive Factory Sub-OF |
portofolio | 10.0.+1.9.0 | chg = 10.0 Compatibility |
myfield | 10.0.+2.5.0 | inf = 10.0 compatibility fix = DebugBar Compatibility |
factory | 10.0.+2.1.0 | chg = 10.0 compatibility add = BatchLot stock management (not stable) |
customlink | 10.0.+1.11.0 | chg = V10 compatibility fix = facnumber error with V10 |
2019-06 | ||
myclock | 10.0.+3.3.0 | inf = V10 compatibility |
customline | 10.0.+3.5.0 | chg = V 10.0 compatibility add = add Total HT, VAT TTC on mass change Screen |
coefpricr | 10.0.+1.6.0 | chg = 10.0 compatibility |
2019-05 | ||
rmindr | 9.0.+1.3.0 | inf = 9.0 compatibility |
mybooking | 9.0.+1.2.0 | fix = V9 Compatibility |
management | 9.0.+2.9.3 | fix = Error on transfert time from project to bill |
customtooltip | 9.0.+1.5.0 | chg = 9.0 compatibility |
customlink | 9.0.+1.10.0 | chg = 9.0.0 compatibility |
2019-04 | ||
process | 9.0.+2.1.0 | inf = 9.0 Compatibility |
management | 9.0.+2.9.2 | fix = Add contract duration and intervention duration on soleil pdf |
customline | 9.0.+3.4.0 | chg = V 8.0 compatibility chg = V 9.0 compatibility add = add Total HT, VAT TTC on mass change Screen |
2019-03 | ||
restock | 9.0.+2.5.1 | fix = some bugfix on Factory and Sub-OF |
portofolio | 9.0.+1.8.1 | fix = esthetic bugfix |
myfield | 9.0.+2.4.1 | add = Add textarea feature chg = refactoring code, thanks Yohann fix = input colorthumb not recolored |
mybroadcast | 9.0.+2.1.0 | add = One ftp and sql setting by warehouse (or not) |
coefpricr | 9.0.+1.5.0 | chg = 8.0 and 9.0 compatibility |
2019-02 | ||
myprint | 9.0.+2.0.0 | chg = V 9.0 compatibility add = Add remise total on customer document add = Add deposit total on bill add = Add net to pay on bill add = Add total Vat on bill |
mydiscount | 9.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First release |
management | 9.0.+2.9.1 | fix = Fichinter reporting conflict with myPrint |
extraodt | 9.0.+2.3.0 | add = new order by on elements (OrderPropalOnODT, OrderOrderOnODT, OrderBillOnODT) |
2019-01 | ||
mylist | 8.0.+3.3.1 | fix = bad filter on alias fix = modulepart error on new formfile generator modelePDF instead modele … |
management | 9.0.+2.9.0 | add = Project fill draft bill |
factory | 9.0.+2.0.1 | add = Add Factory Build Tab on Proposal fix = sub-OF tab are only with restock |
2018-12 | ||
supplierpricr | 9.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V9 compatibility |
restock | 9.0.+2.5.0 | add = Include recursive on Factory and Sub-OF |
portofolio | 9.0.+1.8.0 | chg = 9.0 Compatibility add = new reporting dashboard |
myfield | 9.0.+2.4.0 | add = Small button return big on blur (Keep color) add = Add tooltip after fields |
myclock | 9.0.+3.2.0 | inf = V9 compatibility |
mybroadcast | 8.0.+2.0.0 | chg = V8 compatibility |
factory | 9.0.+2.0.0 | add = New list format add = Create OF Direct from Menu add = Sub OF with restock add = Default storage of product is by default on OF |
2018-11 | ||
restock | 8.0.+2.4.1 | fix = Factory order goes wrong |
mylist | 8.0.+3.3.0 | chg = V8 compatibility |
myfield | 8.0.+2.3.1 | add = New display control (in the list) add = Allow change background of input field |
equipement | 8.0.+2.5.2 | fix = tabs management are better |
2018-10 | ||
transporteur | 8.0.+2.0.0 | add = (MAJOR) add volume compute on price |
projectbudget | 8.0.+1.3.0 | inf = 8.0.x compatibility |
management | 8.0.+2.8.1 | add = fichinter report move stock qty if product selected chg = suppress old corechange |
factory | 8.0.+1.9.1 | fix = allow negative build (decomposition) fix = include pdf OF on email send |
equipement | 8.0.+2.5.1 | fix = consumption failure if stock differ |
2018-09 | ||
transporteur | 8.0.+1.3.0 | chg = 8.0 compatibility chg = If no service defined, not button displayed |
restock | 8.0.+2.4.0 | chg = 8.0 Compatibility FIX = need SUPPLIER_ORDER_WITH_PREDEFINED_PRICES_ONLY |
portofolio | 8.0.+1.7.0 | chg = 8.0 Compatibility chg = Better filtering for sellers ventilation… fix = Patas-tools top menu can be duplicate |
myfield | 8.0.+2.3.0 | inf = 8.0 compatibility fix = Patas-tools top menu can be duplicate add = display fields,tabs or menu can be managed by sql query |
mydoliboard | 8.0.+3.3.0 | chg = 8.0 comptability fix = Patas-tools top menu can be duplicate |
management | 8.0.+2.8.0 | chg = V8 compatibility fix = update datee dateo error on interventional report |
factory | 8.0.+1.9.0 | chg = 8.0 compatibility (modelePDF instead modele ) |
equipement | 8.0.+2.5.0 | fix = 8.0 compatibility (formfile management differ) |
customtabs | 8.0.+2.2.0 | chg = 8.0 Compatibility fix = Patas-tools top menu can be duplicate |
customlink | 8.0.+1.9.0 | chg = 8.0.0 compatibility fix = Patas-tools top menu can be duplicate |
2018-08 | ||
process | 8.0.+2.0.0 | inf = 8.0 Compatibility inf = MAJOR VERSION, NOW USE OF fullcalendar plug-in |
myclock | 8.0.+3.1.0 | inf = V8 compatibility fix = bad hook resprint management with customtooltip, now clean fix = adjusting size of calc for V8 |
2018-07 | ||
mylist | 7.0.+3.2.5 | fix = better fields management (use of alias) |
customtooltip | 7.0.+1.4.1 | fix = more 7.0 compatibility |
customtabs | 7.0.+2.1.1 | fix = some customers bigfix return |
2018-06 | ||
rmindr | 7.0.+1.3.2 | fix = some better focus problem |
process | 7.0.+1.8.2 | fix = extrafields template error require vs include |
mylist | 7.0.+3.2.4 | fix = correct some little bug |
myfield | 7.0.+2.2.1 | fix = bad quote management in vmenu |
myclock | 7.0.+3.0.0 | add = (Major) introduce Calculator |
management | 7.0.+2.7.2 | fix = Fichinterrec is now a free module |
factory | 7.0.+1.8.4 | chg = factory depend now of nature of product, not the not selling of it fix = sql bug on update date (bis) chg = better search display |
equipement | 7.0.+2.4.2 | chg = better search display |
2018-05 | ||
mylist | 7.0.+3.2.3 | fix = filter error if order by present fix = customtabs and myclock breadcrump comptaibility add = categories filter more feature |
myclock | 7.0.+2.0.1 | fix = bad naming history table if case sensitive |
mybroadcast | 7.0.+1.0.3 | add = New export file format (with tab and quote) |
management | 7.0.+2.7.1 | fix = Bad declaration on Period of Contract |
factory | 7.0.+1.8.3 | add = include OF on virtual stock fix = sql bug on update date |
equipement | 7.0.+2.4.1 | fix = create file dir |
customline | 7.0.+3.3.3 | add = Mass change on interventional (including myshedule compatibility) add = buyprice on mass change |
2018-04 | ||
rmindr | 7.0.+1.3.1 | fix = Better management on top right icon |
process | 7.0.+1.8.1 | fix = factory calendar error |
periodic | 7.0.+1.1.1 | fix = menu “accountancy” changed on “billing” add = interventional mass cloning on week |
mylist | 7.0.+3.2.2 | add = mybroadcast compatibility |
myclock | 7.0.+2.0.0 | inf = Introducing breadcrump (Major) |
mybroadcast | 7.0.+1.0.2 | add = myList (since 7.0+3.2.2) is mybroadcast compatible |
localise | 7.0.+1.3.0 | chg = 7.0 Compatibility |
factory | 7.0.+1.8.2 | fix = index page with storage info inf = Free Version Update |
customtabs | 7.0.+2.1.0 | chg = 7.0 Compatibility |
customline | 7.0.+3.3.2 | fix = Mass delete error on order and proposal |
2018-03 | ||
rmindr | 7.0.+1.3.0 | chg = 7.0 compatibility add = Mass closing on rmindr to close |
projectbudget | 7.0.+1.2.0 | inf = 7.0.x compatibility |
process | 7.0.+1.8.0 | fix = 7.0 Compatibility |
portofolio | 7.0.+1.6.0 | chg = 7.0 Compatibility add = cloning thirdparties are (1), (2), (3) … add = thirdparties outstanding billing mass management |
periodic | 7.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V7 Compatibility fix = some bug on supplier order |
myprint | 7.0.+1.4.0 | chg = V 7.0 compatibility |
mylist | 7.0.+3.2.1 | fix = do job not working clearly |
mydoliboard | 7.0.+3.2.0 | chg = 7.0 comptability add = new graphtype (Pie) chg = display sql query on debug mode (page disabled) |
myclock | 7.0.+1.3.0 | inf = V7 compatibility OK |
mybroadcast | 7.0.+1.0.1 | add = myList and myDoliboard Link add = broadcast event are stored |
mybooking | 7.0.+1.1.1 | fix = Setting problem if only one storage |
management | 7.0.+2.7.0 | chg = V7 compatibility fix = Minor change for introducing mySchedule module |
factory | 7.0.+1.8.1 | fix = various 7.0 bugfix fix = sql bug on factory table |
customtooltip | 7.0.+1.4.0 | chg = 7.0 compatibility |
customlink | 7.0.+1.8.0 | chg = 7.0.0 compatibility fix = element_tag table not present on V7, now in package |
customline | 7.0.+3.3.1 | fix = Fix error on build/fill sql table |
coefpricr | 7.0.+1.4.0 | chg = 7.0 compatibility fix = date must now between quote |
badgelio | 7.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V7 compatibility and diffusion version |
2018-02 | ||
transporteur | 7.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 7.0 compatibility chg = Patas monkey Color for additionnal button are orange |
restock | 7.0.+2.3.0 | chg = 7.0.0 Compatibility (entrepot.label change to entrepot.ref) |
mylist | 7.0.+3.2.0 | fix = PHP V7 error on pdf sum fix = #SEL# on query more managed fix = export not limited to 25 rows |
myfield | 7.0.+2.2.0 | inf = 7.0 compatibility add = small button feature |
mybroadcast | 7.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
mybooking | 7.0.+1.1.0 | inf = V7 compatibility (entrepot ref vs label) |
factory | 7.0.+1.8.0 | chg = 7.0 compatibility (entrepot.label changed to entrepot.ref) fix = recursivity error 2 fix = error on createOF from factory order (bad date sql not null) fix = extrafields error on project tabs |
equipement | 7.0.+2.4.0 | fix = 7.0 compatibility (entrepot.label change to entrepot.ref) |
customline | 7.0.+3.3.0 | chg = 7.0 compatibility fix = PHP7 bad default value on import feature add = compulsory fields more managed add = Add fk_unit field on import add = Introducing mass percent price update add = forced only product or service on free mode add = tx_tva on import is priority on product default |
2018-01 | ||
transporteur | 6.0.+1.1.2 | chg = better presentation of transporteur box |
rmindr | 5.0.+1.2.3 | fix = bad class setting for facture-rec |
projectbudget | 6.0.+1.1.1 | inf = other management of col |
myprint | 6.0.+1.3.3 | fix = better management on exotic car |
mylist | 6.0.+3.1.3 | fix = xls export error if selectlist fix = better export separator management fix = group by error management |
mybooking | 6.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release |
factory | 6.0.+1.7.2 | fix = fk_user_modif field now needed fix = product translation error |
customline | 6.0.+3.2.3 | fix = redirection error on propal and bill line import |
2017-12 | ||
restock | 6.0.+2.2.2 | add = dynamic update on suppliers table |
process | 6.0.+1.7.1 | fix = new header management on calendar |
myprint | 6.0.+1.3.2 | add = specific setting on customer adress add = more information on interventional |
factory | 6.0.+1.7.1 | fix = French error on translation |
equipement | 6.0.+2.3.4 | fix = sql Error on recent mysql version |
customline | 6.0.+3.2.2 | add = TVA value display have change on V6 add = somme translation added |
2017-11 | ||
restock | 6.0.+2.2.1 | add = Add restock tabs on supplier |
process | 6.0.+1.7.0 | fix = 6.0 Compatibility |
myprint | 6.0.+1.3.1 | add = add rouget BL delivery form add = introducing resizing coef for the logo add = add aligment on extrafield column POS_name_ALIGN (L, C or R) |
management | 6.0.+2.6.2 | fix = error on contract list term to bill fix = error calendar task |
equipement | 6.0.+2.3.3 | fix = Dictionnary error not null on coder allowed |
customtabs | 6.0.+2.0.1 | fix = bad redirection on open/delete file on sub tab fix = required fields on list not well notified |
2017-10 | ||
transporteur | 6.0.+1.1.1 | fix = habilitation error on delete rate |
portofolio | 6.0.+1.5.2 | add = thirdparties also filtered by type (supplier, prospect, …) |
mylist | 6.0.+3.1.2 | add = Description of myList displayed on mylist header page add = mass change sample added on mylist |
mydoliboard | 6.0.+3.1.1 | fix = Table presentation (line border left on V6) chg = new right ‘report’ for Reporting access add = (MAJOR) Reporting dynamic cross tables on project times |
equipement | 6.0.+2.3.2 | fix = Serial type error from factory fix = bug on create on note change |
customline | 6.0.+3.2.1 | add = mass change feature on supplier proposal add = add supplier ref on line in masschange supplier elements |
2017-09 | ||
transporteur | 6.0.+1.1.0 | chg = 6.0 compatibility |
restock | 6.0.+2.2.0 | inf = 6.0 compatibility add = type of product choice generalised at all restock page |
portofolio | 6.0.+1.5.1 | chg = commonfooter hook error |
periodic | 6.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release inf = Recurring invoice OK inf = update price (including multirate) OK |
myprint | 6.0.+1.3.0 | chg = 6.0 compatibility add = tryptique mode for shipping on bill add = now use format of extrafields type add = introducing ‘tob’ as ‘top before public note’ |
mylist | 6.0.+3.1.1 | add = datetime and time type field format are now implemented add = check and mass change return on mylist fix = exotic char best managed on pdf |
management | 6.0.+2.6.1 | chg = periodic module comptabitility (recurring interventional) add = |
factory | 6.0.+1.7.0 | chg = 6.0 Compatibility |
extraprice | 6.0.+2.3.0 | chg = 6.0 compatibility and php 7 |
equipement | 6.0.+2.3.1 | fix = Fix create error from tabs products fix = Unable to change storage on Equipement |
customtabs | 6.0.+2.0.0 | add = Transfert extrafields to customTabs fix = mysql error on list page fix = 6.0 Compatibility |
customlink | 6.0.+1.7.1 | add = New subscription Link |
customline | 6.0.+3.2.0 | chg = 6.0 compatibility add = Compulsory of imported fields add = better Import Error management add = new PT translation |
coefpricr | 6.0.+1.3.0 | chg = 6.0 compatibility add = Changelog Tabs for V6 |
badgelio | 6.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release |
2017-08 | ||
projectbudget | 6.0.+1.1.0 | inf = 6.0.x compatibility |
portofolio | 6.0.+1.5.0 | chg = 6.0 Compatibility |
mylist | 6.0.+3.1.0 | chg = 6.0 compatibility |
myfield | 6.0.+2.1.0 | inf = 6.0 compatibility |
mydoliboard | 6.0.+3.1.0 | fix = error on blocD chg = 6.0 comptability |
matchr | 8.0.+1.3.0 | chg = 8.0 compatibility |
management | 6.0.+2.6.0 | chg = dolibarr V6 compatibility add = thirdparty service price used if multiprice enabled or by customer |
factory | 5.0.+1.6.5 | fix = Stock Movement good if OF qty product modifiy chg = merge movement and rapport tab chg = increase list and harmonisation of terms chg = label on declinaison product creation |
equipement | 6.0.+2.3.0 | chg = V6 comptability fix = Error on first pdf generation add = new list page (V5 style) and mass change correction |
customtooltip | 6.0.+1.3.0 | chg = 6.0 compatibility |
customlink | 6.0.+1.7.0 | chg = 6.0.0 compatibility fix = paiement tabs have restricted access add = V5 tabs style |
customline | 5.0.+3.1.5 | fix = updateTotal(5.0) vs update_total (4.0) on supplier order |
2017-07 | ||
supplierpricr | 6.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release |
restock | 5.0.+2.1.4 | add = add filter on date on restock customer order page add = add type of product choice if booth enabled |
myprint | 5.0.+1.2.1 | fix = better decal on top table if extrafields |
mylist | 5.0.+3.0.4 | fix = better pdf presentation add = duration type field add = had filter #ENTITY# for multientity |
myfield | 5.0.+2.0.3 | fix = usergroup right error on insert |
mydoliboard | 5.0.+3.0.1 | fix = Dol_dir_list error on export XLS chg = refactoring for jenkins |
management | 5.0.+2.5.6 | add = show company associated to project fix = time add not only by project creator |
factory | 5.0.+1.6.4 | fix = some change for multicompany compatibility add = update price feature on OF card |
extraodt | 5.0.+2.2.2 | add = payment array on bill |
customtooltip | 5.0.+1.2.3 | ad = tooltip on project |
customlink | 5.0.+1.6.2 | add = paiement on supplier bills |
2017-06 | ||
transporteur | 5.0.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
rmindr | 5.0.+1.2.2 | fix = one div present, made cariage return on icons fix = tabbs on mainboard change on click not mouseover |
mylist | 5.0.+3.0.3 | fix = better tabs management fix = bad filter on prefedined value |
mydoliboard | 5.0.+3.0.0 | add = (MAJOR) Export on xls template add = corechange menu need for customers_bills menu |
management | 5.0.+2.5.5 | add = we can change subprice and vat on service associated to task fix = minor fix and refactoring |
localise | 5.0.+1.2.3 | add = project and company for outside move |
equipement | 5.0.+2.2.4 | chg = jenkins optimisation add = mass change on date start and date end fix = No full header in pdf except first page |
customtooltip | 5.0.+1.2.2 | fix = 4.0 compatibility on product add = better look and fell for product tooltip |
customline | 5.0.+3.1.4 | add = Mass import line of supplier order add = Mass import line of wharehouse fix = PHP7 import compatibility |
2017-05 | ||
restock | 5.0.+2.1.3 | fix = type rights only on 1 chars fix = getlocaltax warning on muscadet print |
mylist | 5.0.+3.0.2 | add = if withpdf=-1 the column field is not print in pdf fix = exotic charset better managed on pdf fix = align header field on datatable fix = not selected field on classic if , on field fix = Better management of filter fields add = corechange menu need for customers_bills menu fix = better presentation of pdf (landscape + portrait) fix = landscape header not diplayed error finally solved YEAAAHH |
myfield | 5.0.+2.0.2 | fix = XML Import/export now work fine even with only one myfield fix = Ambigus submenu is managed with menu#submenu ‘/’ may cause problem |
myclock | 5.0.+1.2.1 | fix = pb with tooltip on boxmenu |
matchr | 5.0.+1.2.1 | fix = Change some litte bug |
management | 5.0.+2.5.4 | chg = only access to own project task fix = display total bill on create it from project add = new calculation bill on task (based on progress) fix = project task access, major problem due of new habilitation level add = introducing recurrence on interventional |
localise | 5.0.+1.2.2 | fix = bad search url on index page fix = bad date on movement fix = PHP7 compatibility |
extraprice | 5.0.+2.2.1 | chg = extraprice.php rename on setup on admin path |
equipement | 5.0.+2.2.3 | fix = allow empty customer on google search listbox add = add label product on standard search fields |
customtooltip | 5.0.+1.2.1 | fix = corechange on hookmanager class needed add = introducing hook on tooltip for more infos to display |
customtabs | 5.0.+1.6.1 | chg = customtabs.php rename on setup on admin path fix = member tab form balise present fix = $db in class insted $this-db |
customlink | 5.0.+1.6.1 | chg = customlink.php rename on setup on admin path add = detect if method are present before call it |
customline | 5.0.+3.1.3 | fix = Better managment of columns in massupdate tabs fix = this-db present on propal project |
coefpricr | 5.0.+1.2.1 | fix = prevent update previous price on multiprice add = add hour and minuts on change price |
2017-04 | ||
rmindr | 5.0.+1.2.1 | fix = date rmindr not saved if updated add = rmindr feature on supplier_proposal |
restock | 5.0.+2.1.2 | fix = restock on product + project standardisation code and feature fix = bad calculation of total price on add qty in a line |
portofolio | 5.0.+1.4.2 | fix = bad statut filter on user project change |
mylist | 5.0.+3.0.1 | add = actived pdf is default selected if none selected before fix = UTF-8 export Format OK fix = personnalised field not aligned on mylistdt |
management | 5.0.+2.5.3 | fix = listtimeweek monday not get correctly (us style) add = New calendar mode (1 month = 1 line) fix = listtime progress not saved |
localise | 5.0.+1.2.1 | fix = move contact error fix = document object problems sometime fix = bad url listmove and listblock.php on index page |
factory | 5.0.+1.6.3 | fix = button not present on final V5 fix = multiple capucin doc on setting page fix = qty unit on equipement used is factorydet, not product_factory |
extraodt | 5.0.+2.2.1 | add = additionnal fields for contract fix = corechange for 5.0 (PR Loosed) |
equipement | 5.0.+2.2.2 | add = add ref product on export standard fix = rouget_expedition pdf some enhances and bug fix |
2017-03 | ||
restock | 5.0.+2.1.1 | fix = Class object not found on new tabs |
management | 5.0.+2.5.2 | fix = fichinter line function loose fix = duration_effective field changed by task_duration add = Generate project from proposal chg = Display tasklabel instead taskref on listtime |
factory | 5.0.+1.6.2 | add = cost price origin may differ for product and service fix = bad statut filter on draft fix = error on class project not found fix = button not present on final V5 fix = multiple capucin doc on setting page |
customline | 5.0.+3.1.2 | fix = error class project not found on tabs |
2017-02 | ||
rmindr | 5.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
restock | 5.0.+2.1.0 | fix = 5.0 compatibility add = restock order from project add = use remise_percent on fourn price add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
projectbudget | 5.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release |
portofolio | 5.0.+1.4.1 | add = CategChange add filter on categ |
myprint | 5.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
mylist | 5.0.+3.0.0 | chg = MAJOR VERTSION 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page fix = Export feature better managed add = New “Categories Filter” Type Fields |
myfield | 5.0.+2.0.1 | add = Ambigus submenu managed with menu/submenu syntax fix = bad external url on submenu |
mydoliboard | 5.0.+2.1.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
myclock | 5.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
matchr | 5.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
management | 5.0.+2.5.1 | fix = fichinter line function loose fix = Bad selection user on fling Time add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page add = allow define default service on create task |
localise | 5.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
factory | 5.0.+1.6.1 | add = Factory Direct allowed even with no stock (setting) add = new tabs on factory product card (composed list of OF) add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page fix = Import OF, add import_key field in good table (product_factory) |
extraprice | 5.0.+2.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
extraodt | 5.0.+2.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
equipement | 5.0.+2.2.1 | add = default serial method choice feature fix = main stabilisation and enhancing |
customtooltip | 5.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
customlink | 5.0.+1.6.0 | chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
customline | 5.0.+3.1.1 | fix = bad initialize fields on propal import fix = element must be draft for import feature chg = prepare suppliers import feature (and propal supplier too) |
coefpricr | 5.0.+1.2.0 | fix = 3.7 compatibility chg = 5.0 compatibility add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
2017-01 | ||
portofolio | 5.0.+1.4.0 | fix = 5.0 compatibility add = add project categories mass change add = add project and task change by user add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
myfield | 5.0.+2.0.0 | add = can hide, change url and bgcolor on tab, mainmenu, menu and submenu add = can move (up, down, left, right) all elements fix = Required fields work fine now (thanks html5) add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
management | 5.0.+2.5.0 | inf = 5.0 Compatibility add = send contract by mail (4.0 and 5.0 only) add = Entry of monthly times in part of days |
factory | 5.0.+1.6.0 | add = 5.0 compatibility fix = Deleted product not movemented on stock |
equipement | 5.0.+2.2.0 | add = Welcome DLUO, fuck batch/lot add = 5.0 Compatibility chg = Better Italian Translation (thanks claudio) fix = free product must not appear on expeditiontabs equipement selection add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
customtabs | 5.0.+1.6.0 | chg = 5.0 Compatibility fix = bad mandatory field control on customtabs list add = mass refresh tabs on desactivate/activate module fix = bad char in tablename control fix = duplicate subtabs in the main tab add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
customline | 5.0.+3.1.0 | fix = 5.0 compatibility fix = bad url on detail mass import file fix = delete right remplaced by deletefile right add = new look on admin about page add = information version on admin setup page |
2016-12 | ||
rmindr | 4.0.+1.1.2 | add = select display native help and print icon |
mylist | 4.0.+2.2.3 | add = Project Tabs fix = tabs pagination fix = bad filter init field getpost fix = bad filter #USERGROUP# if user has no group fix = duplicate header on tabs mode |
myfield | 5.0.+1.4.0 | inf = 5.0 compatibility fix = right access feature on select field too add = new MYFIELD_ADMIN_ALL_RIGHT constant for usergroup right |
mydoliboard | 4.0.+2.0.1 | fix = bad filter init field getpost |
management | 4.0.+2.4.1 | fix = inversion on cloture button of interventionnal fix = term of contrat error on create (fields name key changed) fix = old agenda vue for > 4.0 too add = new intervention close statut : not to bill |
factory | 4.0.+1.5.3 | fix = Import OF, add import_key field fix = select_entrepot function remplaced by select_entrepot_list |
extraodt | 4.0.+2.1.1 | fix = client changed by thirdparty on odt fix = add value on odt_show_all_tags feature |
equipement | 4.0.+2.1.4 | fix = Bad Url in composition page chg = color on week-end for agenda event fix = storage error on mass change list |
customtabs | 4.0.+1.5.3 | fix = fetch_thirdparty() not present on supplier tabs add = display aviable field on template tabs fix = link stay on tabs – not in commun link of element |
customline | 4.0.+3.0.1 | fix = first line not imported if mode 2 ou 3 of import |
2016-11 | ||
restock | 4.0.+2.0.3 | fix = error product selection multiple composition |
restock | 4.0.+2.0.2 | fix = SQL Error on order Create add = display supplier reputation if present |
process | 4.0.+1.6.0 | add = xml changelog welcome chg = 4.0 Compatibility chg = inline month display |
portofolio | 4.0.+1.3.2 | add = fix some 3.7 regression add = introducing scoring feature fix = change access by habilitation add = add usergroup and status filter |
myprint | 4.0.+1.0.2 | add = Use Facture Preprinted feature add = Add Sending document add = add image linked on document fix = error if line after image |
mylist | 4.0.+2.2.2 | chg = GetnomUrl based on param, not of type fix = idreftabs bad initialised |
myfield | 4.0.+1.3.1 | fix = problem with ‘ in fieldname |
factory | 4.0.+1.5.2 | fix = costprice used in project too add = Export OF, export and import components add = different component price selection |
equipement | 4.0.+2.1.3 | add = Extrafields on Import/Export native feature add = consumption stock movement if stock different add = add multiple qty in consumption |
customtabs | 4.0.+1.5.2 | fix = habilitation error on main tabs with not admin user |
customlink | 4.0.+1.5.1 | fix = Task link of management error add = work if object class of element not found |
customline | 4.0.+3.0.0 | add = Mass import line of element fix = freeline text empty on mass change |
coefpricr | 4.0.+1.1.1 | add = calculation price based on fournish price fix = Price is changed only if really changed fix = fournish min-max price inversion |
2016-10 | ||
rmindr | 4.0.+1.1.1 | add = rmindr Owner can change infos add = ID Identification enhancement |
restock | 4.0.+2.0.1 | add = Dispatch pdf Edition add = add customer order ref in fournish order private note |
portofolio | 4.0.+1.3.1 | add = Mass Change statut on elements chg = Reordering column on change statut add = 200 line limit if no filter applied on change statut |
myprint | 4.0.+1.0.1 | add = Use user info on sender info fix = Specimen error with extrafield line add = Introducing tryptique mode |
myprint | 4.0.+1.0.0 | inf = First release add = Create contact trigger |
mylist | 4.0.+2.2.1 | fix = Fix some export problems fix = ajax sort column error (last) |
mydoliboard | 4.0.+2.0.0 | add = 4.0 Compatibility add = (MAJOR) Reporting dynamic cross tables on main elements |
factory | 4.0.+1.5.1 | add = create OF’s from Orders, restock mode like fix = global quantity not well managed fix = cost price feature OK |
extraprice | 4.0.+2.1.1 | add = PRODUCT TVA EXPORT trick on fourn bills |
extraodt | 4.0.+2.1.0 | fix = 4.0 Compatibility add = additionnal fields for order |
equipement | 4.0.+2.1.2 | add = Mass Equipment change enhancement fix = Export SQL error add = colored list of type event |
customtabs | 4.0.+1.5.1 | fix = Mass delete line feature tst = Try to Multicompany comptatibility |
customlink | 4.0.+1.5.0 | fix = 4.0 compatibility fix = load tva include soc of the bill add = fournish bill ventilation on factory OF |
2016-09 | ||
rmindr | 4.0.+1.1.0 | chg = 4.0 Compatibility fix = RmindR on suppress element |
restock | 4.0.+2.0.0 | chg = Order Customer and order fournish linked by line (MAJOR feature) add = link button between order by project chg = virtual product seach component even if factory enabled chg = rename admin/restock.php to admin/setup.php |
portofolio | 4.0.+1.3.0 | fix = 4.0 compatibility fix = thirdparty cloning duplicate error fix = translation |
mylist | 4.0.+2.2.0 | fix = 4.0.0 compatibility |
myfield | 4.0.+1.3.0 | inf = 4.0 compatibility |
management | 4.0.+2.4.0 | inf = 4.0 Compatibility |
localise | 4.0.+1.1.0 | inf = 4.0 Compatibility fix = object pagination error fix = Mass input error |
factory | 4.0.+1.5.0 | fix = bad url on factorybox fix = document template folder change 4.0 compatibility fix = increase size of OF number mask |
extraprice | 4.0.+2.1.0 | chg = 4.0 Compatibility |
extraodt | 3.9.+2.0.6 | fix = bad name on contactdocument class |
equipement | 4.0.+2.1.1 | add = Agenda Event Feature chg = Event editable only on the good company chg = direct link to event card on listevent fix = create equipement on factory tabs, bad statut chg = equipement / factory, better link management |
equipement | 4.0.+2.1.0 | fix = bad carriage return on pdf sending rouget equipement fix = document template folder change for 4.0 compatibility chg = increase size of number mask chg = add button to transfert equipement to inteventionnal publicnote fix = bad stock mvt in cut equipement |
customtooltip | 4.0.+1.1.0 | inf = Add qty in storage in product tooltip fix = Dolibarr 4.0.0 compatibility add = display outstanding_limit on society tooltip |
customtabs | 4.0.+1.5.0 | fix = 4.0 Compatibility |
customline | 4.0.+2.1.0 | fix = 4.0 compatibility fix = update_total not present on facture fourn (corechange 3.9 / 4.0) |
coefpricr | 4.0.+1.1.0 | fix = Dolibarr 4.0.0 compatibility add = level price selection feature fix = Some problems with level price |
2016-08 | ||
rmindr | 3.9.+1.0.4 | add = bad user tooltip display |
restock | 3.9.+1.4.3 | chg = virtual product seach component even if factory enabled |
process | 3.6.+1.3.1 | add = percent of backlog proposal |
portofolio | 3.9.+1.2.4 | chg = some translation change fix = bad filter on grp change |
mylist | 3.9.+2.1.4 | add = New tooltiplistfeature fix = xml import error on visible filter |
myfield | 3.9.+1.2.4 | fix = default value initialisation add = xml version changelog feature add = UPPERCASE and LOWERCASE formatfield function |
matchr | 3.9.+1.0.2 | add = xml version changelog feature |
localise | 3.9.+1.0.5 | fix = fix datemove error |
factory | 3.9.+1.4.4 | fix = error on OF price if Qty = 0 |
extraodt | 3.9.+2.0.5 | fix = fix balise on table error |
equipement | 3.9.+2.0.4 | fix = error on qty stock mvt chg = Comsumtion feature |
customtooltip | 3.9.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version inf = js not on hook but in additionnal JS file |
customtabs | 3.9.+1.4.2 | fix = extrafield feature error add = hook management on tabs – myfields compatibility fix = bad url for submenu tabs fix = error on insert submenulist value |
customline | 3.9.+2.0.2 | chg = line edition remove : use mass edition instead fix = facture fourn mass edition error |
coefpricr | 3.9.+1.0.3 | add = XML changelog versionning |
2016-07 | ||
rmindr | 3.9.+1.0.3 | add = display later rmindr chg = suppress contraint on rmindr create add = dolibarr min version tested on modules install fix = laterrmindr array not well initialised |
restock | 3.9.+1.4.2 | add = changelog new formating and display format |
portofolio | 3.9.+1.2.3 | add = xml version changelog feature add = color categ display 4 better display fix = fk_societe changed to fk_soc on llx_categorie_societe since 3.8.0 fix = some filter error |
mylist | 3.9.+2.1.3 | chg = move module on “Patas-Tools” section add = xml version changelog feature fix = code field may crash on some mysql version |
mydoliboard | 3.9.+1.5.1 | add = xml version changelog feature |
myclock | 3.9.+1.1.1 | add = xml version changelog feature chg = myClock modules menu move to patas-tools section |
management | 3.9.+2.3.4 | fix = Error on create bill if task have no service associated fix = admin icon menu add = xml dolibarr version changelog feature fix = interventional report remise_percent predef changed on 3.9 |
localise | 3.9.+1.0.4 | fix = UltimateQRCode compatibility |
factory | 3.9.+1.4.3 | add = xml min version of dolibarr feature fix = add description on project movement |
extraprice | 3.9.+2.0.2 | add = dolibarr version on XML changelog add = RefreshExtraprice button displayed only if formula present |
extraodt | 3.9.+2.0.4 | add = xml version changelog feature |
equipement | 3.9.+2.0.3 | fix = bad document link on custom folder add = xml Dolibarr MinVersion changelog feature add = customTooltip hook compatibility fix = export sql format error |
customtabs | 3.9.+1.4.1 | add = xml version changelog feature |
customlink | 3.9.+1.4.3 | add = customLink module menu move to patas-tools add = Dolibarr xml minversion changelog feature |
customline | 3.9.+2.0.1 | add = xml minversion and version changelog feature add = delete feature on massive change ligne |
coefpricr | 3.9.+1.0.2 | fix = error on $user object ($user_) fix = 3.7 / 3.8 compatibility / category list chg = change order of list fields fix = Delete Query more expressiv |
2016-06 | ||
rmindr | 3.9.+1.0.2 | fix = bad translation in rmindr box add = xml version changelog feature |
process | 3.6.+1.3.0 | add = suppliers orders and bills have process feature |
mylist | 3.9.+2.1.2 | add = new tag #ENTITY# and #USERGROUP# on query fix = multicompany menu better management chg = better size of input filter |
myfield | 3.9.+1.2.3 | fix = error on rename main menu chg = move module on “Patas-Tools” section add = xml version changelog feature |
mydoliboard | 3.9.+1.5.0 | chg = 3.9 and custom folder compatibility |
matchr | 3.9.+1.0.1 | fix = hookmanager for rmindr fix = $form not enabled for old dolibarr version fix = bad folder for task in corechange |
management | 3.9.+2.3.3 | fix = fill timespent_datehour in listtime add = xml version changelog feature |
localise | 3.9.+1.0.3 | add = search compatibility with 3.9 and old mode add = Get new version info from XML website add = changelog new XML formating and display on about page |
factory | 3.9.+1.4.2 | add = search feature 3.9 in classic mode add = allow mass line change add = xml version changelog feature fix = hookmanager addmorebutton suppressed on report page (conflict) fix = value inversion on index page |
extraprice | 3.9.+2.0.1 | add = bad case sensitive call fix = fix price >1000 error add = Get new version info from XML website add = changelog new XML formating and display on about page |
equipement | 3.9.+2.0.2 | add = display old search form if MAIN_USE_OLD_SEARCH_FORM enabled fix = entrepot move on list mass change add = xml version changelog feature fix = search button size |
customlink | 3.9.+1.4.2 | add = allow link with ticketsup module add = xml version changelog feature fix = search button size |
customline | 3.9.+2.0.0 | add = allow mass line change add = xml version changelog feature fix = search button size |
coefpricr | 3.9.+1.0.1 | fix = some minor fix |
2016-05 | ||
rmindr | 3.9.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
restock | 3.9.+1.4.1 | fix = bad object on create order fourn add = more setting on order fournish |
process | 3.5.+1.2.0 | fix = 3.4 / 3.5 compatibilty version fix = sellers access right add = order and pagination on list of process |
portofolio | 3.9.+1.2.2 | add = affect Salesman on Actioncomm event with Trigger |
mylist | 3.9.+2.1.1 | chg = some problem with export feature fix = bad id for society tab (socid instead) fix = grid lose for colpositionning fix = export problem change |
matchr | 3.9.+1.0.0 | inf = First release |
management | 3.9.+2.3.2 | add = fichinter models management fix = error on reportprojet ambigus fields add = contract term next period date sugestion from setting fix = bad url on create bill from contact add = new const FICHINTER_ONLY_REPORT_BILLED |
localise | 3.9.+1.0.2 | add = hookmanager 4 additionnal button on card fix = correction of some little bugs |
factory | 3.9.+1.4.1 | add = cost price feature (3.9) add = batch/lot compatibility fix = element link target is ‘factory’ |
extraprice | 3.9.+2.0.0 | add = new button for refresh all line price (major feature) chg = configuration module moved to “patas-tools” section |
equipement | 3.9.+2.0.1 | fix = extrafields date use tpl > 3.7 chg = new rouget model document more rows fix = export problems (. left) fix = equipement association better managed on expedition fix = list of customer who have equipement in product tabs add = predefined event feature on product tabs fix = abbes some little return… fix = bad url event on index page add = hookmanager adding 4 rmindr feature |
coefpricr | 3.9.+1.0.0 | inf = First release |
2016-04 | ||
portofolio | 3.9.+1.2.1 | chg = move to patas-monkey main menu add = mass change categories add = thirdparties cloning feature chg = mass change for customers fix = main menu error |
mylist | 3.9.+2.1.0 | chg = 3.9 compatibility add = custom folder compatibility fix = bad redirection on champ (custom) |
myfield | 3.9.+1.2.2 | chg = reorder group right page for better management chg = better fields selection add = reminder about group right |
management | 3.9.+2.3.1 | chg = custom folder compatibility chg = 3.9 compatibility |
localise | 3.9.+1.0.1 | chg = Custom folder compatibility chg = 3.9 compatibility chg = nice menu icon chg = replacement select_entrepot by formproduct–selectWarehouses |
factory | 3.9.+1.4.0 | add = new search feature (3.9) chg = access on declinaison and changeprice not only to admin chg = 3.9 compatibility chg = custom folder compatibility |
extraodt | 3.9.+2.0.3 | fix = bad name on facture_fourn |
equipement | 3.9.+2.0.0 | fix = update fields don’t hide bottom page button add = use of ajax search box (wait 3.9.1 patch) add = stock movement enabled add = stock movement checkbox near warehouse dropdownbox add = introduce “batch serial” for lot management add = badge number on note |
customtabs | 3.9.+1.4.0 | chg = 3.9 compatibility chg = custom folder compatibility |
customlink | 3.9.+1.4.1 | add = contact element list add = user element list |
2016-03 | ||
restock | 3.9.+1.4.0 | chg = 3.9 compatibility chg = custom folder compatibility |
portofolio | 3.9.+1.2.0 | chg = 3.9 compatibility chg = custom folder compatibility |
myfield | 3.9.+1.2.1 | chg = 3.9 comptatibility fix = custom folder compatibility |
management | 3.9.+2.3.0 | add = change statut of task with trigger with timespend add/update/delete |
localise | 3.9.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release |
factory | 3.8.+1.3.5 | fix = Qty used automaticely compute varing qte made add = Cloning feature |
extraprice | 3.9.+1.3.0 | chg = 3.9.x compatbility chg = custom folder comptatibility |
extraodt | 3.9.+2.0.2 | chg = 3.9 compatibility chg = custom folder compatibility |
customlink | 3.9.+1.4.0 | fix = 3.9 compatibility chg = custom folder compatibility |
customline | 3.9.+1.3.0 | fix = custom folder compatibility chg = 3.9 compatibility (no change) |
2016-02 | ||
restock | 3.8.+1.3.2 | fix = bad tab management on order (duplicate) fix = negative value on main screen add = if fournish order from customer order exist we prevent new restock |
myfield | 3.9.+1.2.0 | fix = bad remplacement ” add = use MAIN_SIZE_LISTE_LIMIT as list default limit chg = refactoring menu management |
factory | 3.8.+1.3.4 | fix = document module part error fix = bad langage file in ES_es (german version inverted) add = resources used linked to OF chg = reorder cols of select component list (better ergonomy) fix = bad pmp value on direct build chg = declinaison refactoring for better perf fix = pb with composition validation (with fourn enabled) fix = bad composition in customer order generation |
extraodt | 3.9.+2.0.1 | chg = setsegment error is not an error fix = some little bug fixed |
extraodt | 3.9.+2.0.0 | inf = MAJOR VERSION add = odt on contact card add = new tags {odt_show_all_tags} who display all odt tags on document chg = correct hook management for better enhancement chg = 3.9 corechange compatibility (part I) |
customtabs | 3.8.+1.3.1 | add = hook on element header add = better odt date format management fix = create hookmanager if not exist fix = bad return on page when create |
2016-01 | ||
mylist | 3.8.+2.0.4 | fix = forceall feature to show all line |
myfield | 3.8.+1.1.2 | fix = user group access add = display show/hide only if field present to hide chg = refactoring jquery for better management and performance fix = habilitation error by group |
myfield | 3.8.+1.1.1 | fix = main menu icon (bad css) add = display Error Message when dbclose and pagefooter ordering is inversed |
extraodt | 3.8.+1.2.3 | fix = bad admin tabs name (about and readme) fix = supplier invoice and order admin need setting feature (corechange) |
2015-12 | ||
mylist | 3.8.+2.0.3 | fix = auguria menu compatibility add = more order statut added (billed) |
myfield | 3.8.+1.1.0 | chg = card.php restricted access change chg = better select management (part of tr is changed) chg = hidden tabs |
mydoliboard | 3.8.+1.4 | add = new type of graphic (graph) fix = auguria menu compatibility |
management | 3.8.+2.2.2 | add = fichinter datei = date of close report fix = fichinter rapport hook rules change |
extraodt | 3.8.+1.2.2 | add = new field in fichinter document (dates, object_refcontrat, object_refprojet) add = new field management in fichinter document (dateo, datee) |
2015-11 | ||
restock | 3.8.+1.3.1 | add = allow create customer order by database link fix = bad origin on commande (commdande) |
portofolio | 3.8.+1.1.0 | inf = Better Module position (with user) add = Mass change group user add = checkbox to force erase precedent affectation |
mylist | 3.8.+2.0.2 | add = mylistmore print plugin enhancement chg = new fields widthpdf on mylistdet add = better compatibility with myField |
myclock | 3.8.+1.0.1 | chg = Final Feature chg = Reordering setting box page |
management | 3.8.+2.2.1 | add = access right on task and project price fix = correct some bug with other user than admin add = display task label on billproject page fix = task status updated on create task trigger fix = time billed with fk_facture=0 not used on sumtimebilled fix = some errot on fichinter calendar view |
factory | 3.8.+1.3.3 | add = add ref on class before call trigger on create chg = minor change on pdf document models, better comming soon chg = best management on factory area fix = change definition on class for additionnal documents models add = product extrafield infos fill composed product too (before only used product as component) fix = bug if free product on order |
extraodt | 3.8.+1.2.1 | add = new odt document (supplier invoice and order) |
2015-10 | ||
restock | 3.8.+1.3.0 | fix = negative value on main page correction fix = link between customer and fournish order inverted with factory link |
portofolio | 3.7.+1.0.1 | fix = php version compatibility error chg = Some ergonomic changes add = en_US Langfiles add = not affected to user and not affected user added as filter |
mylist | 3.8.+2.0.1 | chg = import export compatibility with old mylist version add = better management of position of new field fix = some little bugfix chg = mylist sample are not in database but in xmlsample folder chg = error on list element |
mylist | 3.8.+2.0.0 | inf = Major version chg = rename liste.php -> list.php and fiche.php -> card.php chg = use mylistdet table instead array on unique field chg = remove flash button remplace by trigger |
myclock | 3.7.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
management | 3.8.+2.2.0 | add = time passed billing mode add = predefined billing mode task (planned, made or passed) add = get text_note on monthly keyin add = transfert project on bill depending billing mode |
factory | 3.8.+1.3.2 | add = german translation chg = english correction fix = bad pmp send to stock add = trigger on create and close OF add = origin id on movement fix = loosed product are returned on stock (qty error) fix = duplicate mouvement on report when F5 pressed… add = New stock movement tabs |
factory | 3.8.+1.3.1 | add = filter statut on list add = New factory area (with stat soon) chg = rename fiche.php to card.php |
extraodt | 3.8.+1.2.0 | add = new odt document (contract, intervention) |
customtabs | 3.8.+1.3.0 | chg = 3.8 comptability (extrafields template) chg = card.php separate on list.php and card.php add = filter on customTabs list (element, type and statut) add = allow add tabs on module present on custom folders |
customlink | 3.8.+1.3.0 | fix = 3.8 compatibility (hook call change) chg = minor presentation change on tag |
2015-09 | ||
process | 3.8.+1.5.0 | add = factory, equipement, localise have process feature chg = move module configuration to front |
portofolio | 3.7.+1.0.0 | inf = First release |
myclock | 4.0.+1.2.0 | chg = 4.0 compatibility |
factory | 3.8.+1.3.0 | add = Contact associate on OF fix = better english translation |
factory | 3.7.+1.2.2 | add = add stock qty and desired on factory ordertabs |
customline | 3.8.+1.2.0 | add = allow show/hide margin info with habilitation |
2015-08 | ||
process | 3.7.+1.4.1 | add = customised color on langs files : choose your rainbow add = add user filter on calendar view and process_list |
myfield | 3.7.+1.0.6 | add = Allow tmenu, vmenu and vsmenu context change add = placing trigger on botton of page |
mydoliboard | 3.7.+1.3.0 | fix = 3.7 comptability |
factory | 3.7.+1.2.1 | add = checkbox to select product in composition add = use extrafields product for description composition add = create multiple OF on customer order add = XML import / export feature (Experimental) add = if on report qty build = 0 then status is canceled add = get list of contact of warehouse for mailing OF chg = increase size of 1 column of OF pdf fix = documents folder wrong chg = this->statut instead this->fk_statut for compatibility |
equipement | 3.8.+1.6.0 | fix = some little bug on list add = number of event in badge on tabs fix = postgres sql compatibility correction |
customtabs | 3.7.+1.2.3 | add = Agefodd compatibility fix = delete customtabs not good fix = xml import Error |
2015-07 | ||
process | 3.7.+1.4.0 | fix = 3.7 compatibilty version (extrafields) fix = minor admin change |
myfield | 3.7.+1.0.5 | fix = context bad formating query |
extraprice | 3.8.+1.2.0 | chg = 3.8.x compatbility |
equipement | 3.7.+1.5.2 | add = import serial use carriage return as __N__ and tabs as __B__ fix = bad fields (facnumber instead ref in facture_fourn) on list |
customtabs | 3.7.+1.2.2 | fix = buttons on end of list not appear after add delete or update |
2015-06 | ||
mylist | 3.7.+1.4.0 | fix = better menuid management |
myfield | 3.7.+1.0.4 | fix = better context management fix = new const MYFIELDS_CONTEXT_VIEW to display context on debug mode |
myfield | 3.7.+1.0.3 | add = Masked input format feature fix = error on create myfield : new field bad formated add = English Language Field OK fix = error on update myfield : new field bad formated (same…) fix = group access right fix = hide error on input fields key-in fix = cancel on create myfield are wrong |
management | 3.7.+2.1.0 | fix = ThirdParty vs Society 3.7 compatibility add = show/hide week-end on month type fix = trigger error on monthly keyin |
equipement | 3.7.+1.5.2 | chg = Admin Changelog new tabs add = AddEvents on multiple Equipment add = Export of csv List of Equipment add = mass update Warehouse and condition of equipment |
equipement | 3.7.+1.5.1 | fix = delete equipment errors fix = access of details button after create fix = after cut equipement no button |
customtabs | 3.7.+1.2.1 | add = salaries, tax and charges Tabs for customTabs feature fix = Date format error on add line (wrong typing in multiline management) |
customlink | 3.7.+1.2.0 | fix = getUrlofLink EBVFPNAS fucking message |
2015-05 | ||
rmindr | 3.9.+1.0.1 | add = History mode on page (green button) fix = Close RmindR feature OK fix = Email sending OK chg = Better color date status management chg = Some cosmetic change |
myfield | 3.7.+1.0.2 | add = change fields size feature |
myfield | 3.7.+1.0.1 | add = compulsory feature |
myfield | 3.7.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
management | 3.6.+2.0.5 | add = report can be filtered by customer add = progress can be change during monthly report add = additionnal lign on monthly report for detail of task fix = extrafields error during intervention transfert to bill fix = include contract error during bill generation based on contact term |
factory | 3.7.+1.2.0 | fix = Extrafields compatibility add = myfields compatibility |
equipement | 3.7.+1.5.0 | fix = better line management for sending document fix = Extrafields compatibility fix = myField compatibility chg = equipement event in a dedicaced tabs fix = no update event button if fichintet not enabled |
customtabs | 3.7.+1.2.0 | fix = extrafields compatibility calls chg = edit line mean update instead of delete/insert chg = 3.7 compatibility chg = 3.7 name of file standardisation |
customline | 3.6.+1.1.0 | fix = 3.7 comptability chg = 3.6 standardisation |
2015-04 | ||
myclock | 3.9.+1.1.0 | chg = 3.9 and custom folder compatibility chg = some better display with new theme |
management | 3.6.+2.0.4 | fix = bad filtering in month (forgot year filter) add = better acces right project management |
factory | 3.6.+1.1.5 | add = description on component add = Qty used on Global add = image preview of product add = CRLF on descriptionQty used on Global fix = some debugging fix = send mail warning error fix = update storage and qty planned on OF draft |
extraodt | 3.7.+1.1.0 | fix = order problem on empty list |
equipement | 3.6.+1.4.4 | add = better access right management |
equipement | 3.6.+1.4.3 | fix = document delete wrong, using template now fix = export query error (left a . ) fix = admin setting error |
customtabs | 3.6.+1.1.5 | add = customTabs Feature on bank elements |
2015-03 | ||
mylist | 3.6.+1.3.3 | fix = actioncomm module use id instead of rowid |
management | 3.6.+2.0.3 | add = 1click additional time on task fix = contract bugs correction chg = better project and task report display (title and orange background) |
factory | 3.6.+1.1.4 | add = change price depending on composed product |
2015-02 | ||
equipement | 3.6.+1.4.2 | add = display description of product (jquery trick) fix = sending document error with note_public empty |
customtabs | 3.6.+1.1.4 | fix = custom folder compatibility fix = error on contract and intervention |
customlink | 3.6.+1.1.2 | add = paiement on multiple linked societe |
customline | 3.6.+1.0.1 | add = allow change label product on bill, order, proposal… fix = bugfix on tpl core not reported |
2015-01 | ||
mylist | 3.6.+1.3.2 | fix = error on null element (leftjoin) |
mydoliboard | 3.6.+1.2.2 | fix = error on type of space (list or graph) fix = date format on filter |
management | 3.6.+2.0.2 | fix = minor fix and core integration add = terms contract bill generator |
management | 3.6.+2.0.1 | fix = bgcolor in total ligne error fix = calendar habilitation fail fix = corechange error on bill |
factory | 3.6.+1.1.3 | fix = create OF : hours locked |
extraprice | 3.6.+1.1.0 | inf = some minor changes |
extraodt | 3.6.+1.0.0 | inf = Pour les versions de dolibarr inferieur a la 3.6.1, il convient d’installer un correctif d’odtphp (inclus dans les prochaines versions de dolibarr)
equipement | 3.6.+1.4.1 | fix = transfert serial to bill error add = extrafields on equipement event fix = extrafields error on equipement ($value instead $Value… stupid) |
equipement | 3.6.+1.4.0 | add = factory feature add = add equipement event link to project add = add admin tabs ‘about’ with changelog feature |
customtabs | 3.6.+1.1.3 | fix = sending tabs error add = customTabs on order and supplier order add = ODT feature; get customtabs value on ODT (for list tabs) add = add many line on list in the same time fix = file deletion on ged bad formated |
customlink | 3.6.+1.1.1 | add = list of linked societe on societecontact tabs |
customlink | 3.6.+1.1.0 | add = new commun top menu with other patas-tools modules |
customline | 3.6.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
2014-12 | ||
factory | 3.6.+1.1.2 | chg = component stock movement are now made during validation of the OF (not create draft) |
customlink | 3.5.+1.0.3 | add = add adherent list on contact thirdparties tabs |
2014-11 | ||
factory | 3.6.+1.1.1 | add = multicompany feature fix = declination enhancement fix = pmp not well calculated |
customlink | 3.5.+1.0.2 | fix = Bad link on taglink |
2014-10 | ||
factory | 3.6.+1.1.0 | add = object link template (tpl) fix = document tabs error |
customlink | 3.5.+1.0.1 | fix = Bug on ventilation on customer bills |
2014-09 | ||
factory | 3.5.+1.0.1 | fix = bugs on declination, and add categories choice on setup (root, variant, catalog) fix = icon on box error fixed fix = add extrafields feature fix = access error with multicompany module enabled fix = include categorie class left on projecttask.php |
customlink | 3.5.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
2014-08 | ||
factory | 3.5.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
2014-06 | ||
extraprice | 3.5.+1.0.0 | inf = First Release |
2014-01 | ||
customtabs | 3.5.+1.0.0 | inf = Initial version |
restock | 3.7.+1.2.0 | fix = 3.7 compatbility |
restock | 3.6.+1.1.3 | fix = use remise fourn on unit price fix = remove var_dump track |
restock | 3.6.+1.1.2 | chg = custom folder feature fix = some bugs fixes |
restock | 3.6.+1.1.1 | add = setting choice of method for calculating replenishment |
restock | 3.6.+1.1.0 | add = factory link feature add = bill paied menu |
restock | 3.5.+1.0.6 | fix = if weighting coef element = 0, collect is not made, if all of it for an element is null, no cols display |
restock | 3.5.+1.0.5 | add = customer adress is joined on the fournish order add = pdf_muscadet_restock with additionnal adress add = restock product on open draft fournish order |
restock | 3.5.+1.0.4 | add = separate customer to fournish order |
restock | 3.5.+1.0.3 | fix = hearder forwarding correct issue |
mylist | 3.6.+1.3.1 | add = new percent type of fields add = add currency for price type ad = add category (product and society) tabs feature |
mylist | 3.6.+1.3.0 | add = new commun top menu with other patas-tools |
mylist | 3.5.+1.2.4 | fix = ORDER BY in sql query work add = add “with” on fields columns fix = 0-key error after delete fields add = default display length is changeable in admin module |
mylist | 3.5.+1.2.3 | fix = filter error when name of fields have space fix = better managment of bill statut |
mylist | 3.5.+1.2.2 | fix = some Xml import error add = Improvement of array of fields managment |
mylist | 3.5.+1.2.1 | fix = fix some bug chg = limit max = 100 by default |
mylist | 3.4.+1.1.5 | add = add delete myList feature |
mydoliboard | 3.6.+1.2.1 | fix = error if no row returned on board add = link on current element in tabmode add = category tabs (product and society added) |
mydoliboard | 3.6.+1.2.0 | add = new commun top menu with other patas-tools |
mydoliboard | 3.5.+1.1.2 | fix = many bug fix add = add xml sample |
management | 3.6.+2.0.0 | inf = Initial version after projet V2 ( 1.x.x) |
customtabs | 3.6.+1.1.1 | add = ODT feature; get customtabs value on ODT (for card tabs) add = customTabs Feature on proposal |
customtabs | 3.6.+1.1.0 | add = new commun top menu with other patas-tools |
customtabs | 3.5.+1.0.2 | add = dictionnary feature add = factory link add = stock link |
customtabs | 3.5.+1.0.1 | fix = setting right on project goes wrong ($user var left) fix = Extrafields contraint error not returned on update/insert add = customtabs list is by default ordered with the first fields fix = bad adherent class fix = next/prev on tab better managed add = customTabs on invoice |